An excellent early eating apple, also good for cooking. Medium size, yellow-green fruit is flushed and streaked red to purple red. Sweet, very juicy flesh.
USDA identification images for American Summer Pearmain
The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.
Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Visitor reviews
- 01 Aug 2012 NE, United StatesA very good apple to eat out of hand. We tasted this variety at the Arbor Day Farm Preservation Orchard in Nebraska City, NE. They were picked early (late July) and were totally green. The guide said they are sweeter and more crisp eaten early and more of a pie apple when picked later. We saved our seeds and hope to plant.
Tree register
United States
- Darren Peters in Rock Spring, GEORGIA
- Roger Miller in Madison Heights, VA
- Steven Sypkens in Turney, MO
Spring blossom records for this variety
2020 season
- 30th April 2020 - tree owned by Steven in Turney, United States
Record your blossom dates in our Fruit Tree Register - more >>.
Harvest records for this variety
2015 season
- July 2015 - tree owned by Roger in Madison Heights, United States
- Species: Malus domestica - Apple
- Originates from: United States
- Introduced: Early 1800s
- UK National Fruit Collection accession: 1948-587
- Country of origin: United States
- Period of origin: 1800 - 1849
- Fruit colour: Orange flush
- Flower colour: White
- Leaf colour: Green
- Annual cycle: Deciduous
- Flowering duration: Average (2-3 weeks)
- Flesh colour: Cream
- Alleles: 1
- Alleles: 20
- Picking season: Early
- Keeping (of fruit): 1 week
- Flavour quality: Very good
- Flavour style (apples): Sweet/Sharp
- Juice style: Sharper
- Fruit persistence: Normal ripening
- Food uses: Eating fresh
- Food uses: Culinary
- Food uses: Juice
- Wildlife: RHS Plants for Pollinators
- Gardening skill: Beginner
- Flowering group: 2
- Pollinating others: Average
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Vigour: Slightly small
- Growth habit: Upright
- Fruit bearing: Spur-bearer
- Attractive features: Attractive fruit
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
- Climate suitability: Temperate climates
- Climate suitability: Warm climates
- Cold-hardiness: Cold-hardy
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Cool ( 20-24C / 68-75F)
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Warm (25-30C / 76-85F)
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Cold (< 20C / 67F)
Other qualities
- Disease resistance: Average
- Powdery mildew: Some susceptibility
- Fire blight: Some susceptibility
Where to buy fresh fruit
No orchards have registered as growing this variety. If you grow this and want to register please go to our Orchard Registration form.