Anna is a Golden Delicious-style apple, developed in Israel specifically for cultivation in "low-chill" areas where winter temperatures rarely drop to freezing. Most apple varieties require around 800 hours or more of winter temperatures in the range from about 6C / 45F down to freezing, in order to become properly dormant, which is an essential part of their annual cycle - this is the "chill requirement". Anna has an exceptionally low chill requirement, and will thrive even in climates where temperatures dip towards freezing for only 300 hours or so each winter. This makes it ideally suited to climates such as southern California and southern Texas which are in USDA zones 8-10.
Anna is likely to flower in February in zones 9 or above. It is often paired with Dorsett Golden, another low-chill apple variety, however Dorsett Golden flowers later, and the flowering times do not always overlap.
Anna is a very early-season apple, ripening in late June / early July. It bears fruit early in the life of the tree.
Anna apple identification images
All images copyright Orange Pippin unless otherwise stated.
USDA identification images for Anna
The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.
Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Parents and other ancestors of this variety
See also
- Dorsett Golden - Anna and Dorsett Golden are natural partners, being the only varieties which flower so early in the season.
Visitor reviews
- 20 May 2024We live in San Diego and have had the tree for four years and this year is the first time I will be able to bake apples
- 15 Feb 2024What is the typical lifespan of an Anna Apple Tree?
- 02 Jun 2019 CA, United StatesLiving in SF East Bay Area - milder winters and fewer chill hours . Planted app 2 yrs ago and with year's rain, early blooming and apples are quickly ripening. Crop not as bountiful as neighboring Fujii, but nice variety and attractive growth. Fruit last year was a bit tart.
- 30 Nov 2018 FLORIDA, United StatesAnna apple is our favorite variety! We grow it here at our nursery and our customers have been enjoying these apples for years! The best flavor
- 29 Jul 2018 CA, United StatesOur Anna apple tree in Long Beach, CA, has been producing for 7-8 years. It blossoms so heavily that I must thin the blossoms or the fruit would break the branches. It is constantly in fruit or blossom, sometimes at the same time. This spring the worms were very bad and if fruit is left to ripen on the tree the bottom end starts to mush. How can I save our fruit?
- 22 Aug 2017 CALIFORNIA, United StatesI have two in containers (as well as Dorset Golden for pollination) and they produce 4-5 crops a year, mostly for the squirrels. Right now I have one in a 15 gal container with 3 2nd crop 3" fruit, a bunch of 1" 3rd crop fruit, and it's blooming and setting 4th crop...it's 8-21-17, S. Calif. The Dorsett Golden's haven't bloomed for at least two months so these are self fertile crops. I've been holding off planting these in the ground because I didn't want to loose the multiple crop ability...so I'm happy to read here that people are getting at least 2 crops from in ground Anna apple trees.
- 21 Aug 2017 CALIFORNIA, United StatesI have two in containers (as well as Dorset Golden for pollination) and they produce 4-5 crops a year, mostly for the squirrels. Right now I have one in a 15 gal container with 3 2nd crop 3" fruit, a bunch of 1" 3rd crop fruit, and it's blooming and setting 4th crop...it's 8-21-17, S. Calif. The Dorsett Golden's haven't bloomed for at least two months so these are self fertile crops. I've been holding off planting these in the ground because I didn't want to loose the multiple crop ability...so I'm happy to read here that people are getting at least 2 crops from in ground Anna apple trees.
- 07 Aug 2016 WA, United StatesI just harvested my Anna apples August 5th. They were nice and red, light feeling and mildly crisp. The taste was moderately fruity and very tasty. Much better than I expected. I'll get another tree. I'm in eastern WA state.
- 28 Jun 2016 CA, United StatesWe have both an Anna and Golden Dorset next to each other. Easily pull 300+ pounds of apples a year. Great taste and makes fantastic apple sauce which we freeze for year around use. Have done nothing to trees since put in the ground 20 years ago.
- 18 Feb 2016 AZ, United States4 yr old Anna in central AZ bears huge crops. Quality and appearance of fruit is markedly better if cross-pollinated, but Anna starts blooming a week or so ahead of other early apples. Great cooking Apple. I find if picked a bit early, it stores well 3-5 weeks in bottom drawer of the fridge.
- 06 Jul 2015 USA, United Statesfirst crop of anna's apple tree planted about two years ago. It flowered in January 2015 and isnow starting to flower again --the first of July 2015. Just started reading about anna' apple tree. My trees apples are a bit tart but have not waterd well or fertilized since the tree went in the ground. The truck is at least twice the thickness of a nesr by peach tree same year, and planed at the same time. Tnought there was something wrong with my tree with early flowering (southern CA) and second flowering! happy to know my tree is normal! annoying to find out it is not a good keeper. However LOVE to make homemade apple pies. Now know my family and friends are going to be very happy in the future. LOL. JUDY R. D
- 09 Nov 2014 SAN DIEGO, United StatesAnna is self-fruitful in our area. 2 crops per year are certain, and 3 are possible. The fruit has good eating and juicing quality, and makes for a nice studel when mixed with Granny Smith. It has no keeping quality to speak of.
- 17 Jul 2014 CA, United StatesI love the taste of my Anna Apple. My tree has three crops a year. It has apples now and is starting to bloom. Best picked when half colored. Pink on one side and green on the other. When they get real red they are too mushy to eat but great for applesauce.
- 07 Jul 2014 CA, United StatesPlanted in 2010. 2014 had big bloom in Feb. and had abundant crop, medium sized fruit and flavors that vary from tart (early) to florally sweet (late). Stupendous for pies. The Feb. crop has 2 apples still on tree 1st week July and already has a new crop starting with hundreds of flowers and 20 apples! The apples bruise easily and store in frig for 2 weeks. Fairly normal weather this year with a heat spell in Jan. I believe.
- 31 May 2014 ARIZONA PIMA COUNTY, United StatesI have 5 Annas, 3years old. This is the 1st year all 5 trees produced a huge abundance of apples. Branches weighted to the ground in early May 2014.
- 15 May 2014 CALIFORNIA, United StatesWe have 2 Anna apple trees in our backyard and without fail they produce two crops a year. One in spring and the other in the fall. If we do get a decent chill the apples are much larger, but no matter they taste great! Another benefit is the neighbors love looking at our trees when in full bloom.
- 15 Jan 2014 United StatesPlanted an Anna last Spring, our 4th vatrety of apples, in Redlands, CA which is most famous for a century of producing premium Navel oranges. We had a very early cold winter in Nov-Dec with 3 weeks below freezing at night. Leaves have fallen off most trees, but not the apples. We are now in week two of an extended hot spell in the 70's and 80's. Went out this morning to do busy work and was shocked, stunned, to see apple blossoms all over this 6' Anna tree, complete with a host of bees. This is mid January and we still have the heart of winter and radiant freezes to get through (Feb-March). Should we be worried or is this normal? Thanks
- 30 Mar 2012 CALIFORNIA, United StatesSo many apples! I have to cull them greatly to keep the branches from breaking.
- 21 Nov 2011 CALIFORNIA, United StatesWe live just North of San Diego, and are getting 3 or 4 crops from our dwarf Anna, seems like fruit is on it year round. She is a young tree, so the fruit is small. We have trouble keeping the squirrels and coyotes away from her. Her fruit is great in salads.
- 08 Jan 2011 QUEENSLAND, AustraliaTasted my first Anna this afternoon. Good sized fruit, green with a pink blush, white flesh. Crisp and juicy. Nicely flavoured with good balance of sweetness and acidity, followed by a refreshing, almost grassy finish reminiscent of hot summer afternoons. If I was living somewhere subtropical, and Anna was one of my only options, I'd be pretty well pleased with her qualities.
- 28 Dec 2010 CALIFORNIA, United StatesAnna also makes wonderful pies; the slices hold up well and you can smell the aroma two blocks away!
- 22 Nov 2010 OFRA, IsraelAnna is very popular here in Israel. It ripens very very early, and has a lot of fans for its distinct falvor and tartness. It's also very popular for growing in many areas in Israel that don't get a significant number of chill hours. My parents' tree had two crops last year. On the down side, Anna apples have a very poor shelf life and get bruised very easily; by the time they make it to market they can often be pretty lousy if not handled carefully.
- 17 Sep 2010 CALIFORNIA, United StatesI live in a very hot and dry area of Riverside County in Southern California. This tree is doing well here. Picked fruit this year from June 15 - 30th.
- 25 May 2010 ADANA, TurkeyThe earliest apple in Turkey !! Great shape, good size, tasteful...
- 12 May 2010 United StatesOh my, this apple is great. I can't explain my absolute adoration for this varieties. I live in Northern New York, so our grocery stores never carry this type, but whenever I visit my condo in Santa Ana, California, I buy a bunch of these apples. I just can not get enough of this apple!
- 28 Mar 2010 CALIFORNIA, United StatesI live in Southern California. This is an incredible apple for our climate. It is capable of two crops a year and ripens in June to early July. Along with Dorsett Golden (May ripener) and Ein Shemer (June to July) we have an extended apple season. These apples hold us until the latter apples start ripening.
- 01 Jan 2010 United KingdomStarter post
Tree register
United States
- Anne Jensen in Santa Cruz, CA
- Arlyn Duval in Imperial, CALIFORNIA
- Axel Kratel in Santa Cruz, CALIFORNIA
- Cheryl Mendoza in La Habra, CALIFORNIA
- Chris Langston in Surprise, AZ
- Chris Lawyer in Tampa, FLORIDA
- Cr Conway in Marana, ARIZONA
- Danny Chesser in Phoenix, ARIZONA/MARICOPA
- Darren Peters in Rock Spring, GEORGIA
- Dave in Coalinga, CA
- David in Wilson, KS
- Dawn Bellemare in Taylor, TEXAS
- Debbie in Crystal River, FLORIDA
- Don Pettinger in Corona, CA
- Ephrem Shelby in Opelika, AL
- Erika h in Katy, TX
- Gene Prince in Baton Rouge, LOUISIANA
- Geneva Pratt in Lancaster, CALIFORNIA
- George Hockel in Riverside, CALIFORNIA
- James g in SAN DIEGO, CA
- Jesse in Kernersville, NC
- Jim in Surprise, AZ
- Joe Villarreal in ORANGE, TEXAS
- Joshua in Port Deposit, MD
- Juan Casero in PALM BAY, FLORIDA
- Karen Spencer in Salado, TX
- Katie Ziegler in Murrieta, CA
- Kenneth in Newberry, FLORIDA
- Kenneth in Newberry, FL
- Kenneth in Newberry, FL
- Marilyn Deegan in Long Beach, CA
- Mike Breland in Walla Walla, WA
- Randy in Baxley, GA
- Ronny Blackstock in Fitzgerald, GA
- Ryan in Poway, CALIFORNIA
- Susan in Cypress, TEXAS
- Terry Smith in Prescott Valley, AZ
- Anton Boyd in Woodford, VICTORIA
- Dianne Russell in Dayboro, QUEENSLAND
- Gooooone in Sydney, NSW
- Hayden in Winslow, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA
- Steve in Redland, QUEENSLAND
South Africa
- Sean Freeman in Gauteng,
Spring blossom records for this variety
2022 season
- 1st February 2022 - tree owned by Cheryl in La Habra, United States
- 1st February 2022 - tree owned by Cheryl in La Habra, United States
2018 season
- April 2018 - tree owned by Marilyn in Long Beach, United States
2017 season
- 18th March 2017 - tree owned by Katie in Murrieta, United States
2016 season
- 28th February 2016 - tree owned by Dawn in Taylor, United States
- 15th February 2016 - tree owned by Kenneth in Newberry, United States
- 1st February 2016 - tree owned by Kenneth in Newberry, United States
2015 season
- 25th February 2015 - tree owned by Dawn in Taylor, United States
- 15th February 2015 - tree owned by Cr in Marana, United States
- February 2015 - tree owned by Kenneth in Newberry, United States
2014 season
- 20th February 2014 - tree owned by Dave in Coalinga, United States
- 15th February 2014 - tree owned by Kenneth in Newberry, United States
- February 2014 - tree owned by Cr in Marana, United States
- 25th January 2014 - tree owned by Danny in Phoenix, United States
2013 season
- 16th February 2013 - tree owned by Dave in Coalinga, United States
- 2nd February 2013 - tree owned by Don in Corona, United States
2012 season
- 4th February 2012 - tree owned by Randy in Baxley, United States
2011 season
- March 2011 - tree owned by Randy in Baxley, United States
Record your blossom dates in our Fruit Tree Register - more >>.
Harvest records for this variety
2022 season
- 2nd week June 2022 - tree owned by Cheryl in La Habra, United States
- 2nd week June 2022 - tree owned by Cheryl in La Habra, United States
2017 season
- 3rd week July 2017 - tree owned by Katie in Murrieta, United States
2016 season
- 1st week August 2016 - tree owned by Mike in Walla Walla, United States
2015 season
- 1st week June 2015 - tree owned by Dawn in Taylor, United States
2014 season
- 1st week June 2014 - tree owned by Kenneth in Newberry, United States
2013 season
- 3rd week June 2013 - tree owned by Don in Corona, United States
- 1st week June 2013 - tree owned by Arlyn in Imperial, United States
2011 season
- 3rd week June 2011 - tree owned by Randy in Baxley, United States
2010 season
- 3rd week June 2010 - tree owned by Randy in Baxley, United States
- Species: Malus domestica - Apple
- Parentage: Golden Delicious
- Originates from: Israel
- Introduced: 1959
- Developed by: Abba Stein at the Ein Shemer kibbutz
- Period of origin: 1950 - 1999
- Fruit colour: Green - light
- Fruit colour: Green / Red
- Fruit colour: Red
- Annual cycle: Deciduous
- Flesh colour: Cream
- Fruit size: Average
- Fruit shape: Conical
- Country of origin: Israel
- Picking season: Very early
- Keeping (of fruit): 1 week
- Flavour quality: Good
- Flavour style (apples): Sweet/Sharp
- Cropping: Good
- Food uses: Eating fresh
- Picking month: June
- Wildlife: RHS Plants for Pollinators
- Gardening skill: Average
- Flowering group: 1
- Pollinating others: Average
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Vigour: Average vigour
- Precocity: Precocious
- Bearing regularity: Regular
- Fruit bearing: Spur-bearer
- Self-fertility: Partially self-fertile
- Cold hardiness (USDA): Zone 5 (-29C)
- Chill requirement: Low-chill 200
- Climate suitability: Warm climates
- Cold-hardiness: Cold-hardy
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Warm (25-30C / 76-85F)
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Hot (>30C / 86F)
Other qualities
- Disease resistance: Average
Where to buy trees
The following tree nurseries offer Anna apple trees for sale:
- Orange Pippin Fruit Trees (USA) United States
Anna apple trees
Where to buy fresh fruit
The following orchards grow Anna:
United States
- Jack Creek Farms, Templeton
- Raymond Ohana, Kula
- Shade Tree Farm and Orchard, Adams
- Love Creek Orchards, Medina
- The Apple Conservatory, Austin