Cortland is a typical McIntosh style apple variety, and ranks about 12th in terms of US apple production. However nearly all that production takes place in New York State, almost within sight of Cornell University where it was developed in 1898 and introduced in 1915.
Cortland is also widely grown across the border in Quebec and Ontario, and it has proven itself to be well-suited to the freezing temperatures experienced around the Great Lakes.
As with all McIntosh varieties, Cortland is at its best when eaten soon after being picked. The sweet flavour fades quickly, as does the crispness.
An interesting characteristic of Cortland is that the flesh does not go brown very rapidly after being cut.
The cut-out photo in our description is of a UK-grown Cortland apple, whereas the other photos are from the USA and Canada, showing how the sunny but cold autumn climate of North America produces a better colour than the cloudy mild climate of the UK.
Cortland apple identification images
All images copyright Orange Pippin unless otherwise stated.
USDA identification images for Cortland
The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.
Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Visitor reviews
- 10 Jan 2025Although not, strictly speaking, developed by Cornell University (since the Geneva experimental station, where the Cortland was developed, was independent of the university until 1923, and the apple was released in 1915), the Cornell University orchard grows (or at least used to grow) a lot of them. I grew up about a mile from that orchard and as a child ate vast numbers of apples grown there, mostly Mcintosh, Cortland, and Northern Spy. The Cortlands grown there were very good, but a few years ago Cornell closed the retail outlet at the orchard, and I have found that when I buy a bag of Cortlands from a commercial orchard they are usually unripe (although with a lot of red color) and not worth eating. I suppose the idea is to make them keep better, but the result is that (if I didn't know better) I would just think Cortlands a bad variety of apple.
- 21 Aug 2024Where can I buy cortland apples or can I buy and ship to my home. Help me please
- 16 Oct 2023Where can I buy cortland apple variety in UK
- 14 Aug 2023good apple ripened mid-august also good for apple pie
- 05 May 2021 SC, United StatesMy favorite apple. The flavor varies, but once in a while you get one that tastes better than any apple you ever had.
- 05 Nov 2020 OTTAWA, CanadaPerfect for baking, nice sweet/tart balance and the red skin colors pulp nicely.
- 16 Oct 2017 ON, CanadaI was told that when my grandfather immigrated from Europe, he thought all the common apple varieties were flavorless. He asked the grocer to recommend one that tasted like a "real apple" and from that point on our family have been courtland fans. As some have pointed out, they vary in flavor. I find that there's a particular round shape that yields the best flavor when I'm picking from a bushel. Overall, great texture (except when they get old), and highly versatile for eating and cooking. To me, it's the perfect sweet-to-tangy balance!
- 02 Nov 2016 CA, United StatesCortland is outstanding. I grew up in the 1960's in Wisconsin and picked and enjoyed hundreds of Cortland. They made the best caramel apples ever and apple pie of course. But I most enjoyed them just by themselves and sometimes with bit of salt!
- 15 Aug 2016 BRITISH COLUMBIA, CanadaWe moved here from Montreal 15 years ago. My favorite baking (pies) apple was Cortland. Even Real Estate agents would say when you would have an open house "bake an apple pie with Cortland" very inviting. However, not a Cortland to be found out in British Columbia (sadly) I have tried Gala, Granny Smith, and a couple of others but not the same texture nor "scent" as a Cortland.
- 22 Apr 2016 IL, United StatesI was probably eight when I first tasted this apple, and I loved it quite a bit. Now, I still love it for its quintessential sweetness, with a good bit of tart and perfume and unplaceable taste that ties it together. They have a few problems if you leave them out too long- the flesh is a bit mealy if they get old- but in my opinion, it's well worth the fuss.
- 15 Mar 2016 MICHIGAN, United StatesAs Erin Branch of Utah said "An apple that is mediocre at best." A perfect way to describe this apple. I enjoyed eating it, but the apple did not live up to its full potential of quality. The apple was crisp and very similar to the honeycrisp apple that I had last week for lunch. But the cortland apple is similar to my brother that has down syndrome, inferior in every way to the honeycrisp. However, still an acceptable choice of an apple.
- 02 Nov 2015 UTAH, United StatesAn apple that was mediocre at best. It was very bland; so much so that I could *taste* the blandness. It was a very odd sensation and almost caused me to spit it out. Oddly enough it was also very mildly tart and mildly sweet at the same time. The apple looks beautiful enough, and has a nice firm and crisp texture. But ugh - that flavor; it wasn't *bad* per se, but it was so insipidly bland!
- 01 Apr 2015 QUEBEC, CanadaMy favorite! The ones I buy are from here (Québec) and are sold at a health foods’ store. They are organic, small, firm, crunchy, juicy, a little tart and very sweet. Their skin is a beautiful deep burgundy color, unlike the Cortlands I see at the regular food stores. The flesh is white. If I eat one with my eyes closed, I get a hint of blue grapes and strawberries! The ones I bought this week were stored for at least 4 months before they arrived on the shelves. These apples grow best in colder climate zones (zone 4-5-6). My only wish would be for the tree to be more resistant to diseases.
- 03 Nov 2014 INDIANA, United StatesA must have for my back yard. Tastes sweet but I understand the "vinous" description as it does have some overtones of the wine-like flavor, but not as much as Winesap. The best I've seen for keeping it's white color. All purpose. High on my list for baked apples.
- 07 Jan 2014 NY, United StatesThis is probably one of my favorite apple varieties. I must be spoiled, because they are so easy to get around here, and normally with very good quality as well.
- 06 Dec 2013 OHIO, United StatesThis is my FAVORITE apple!!! I use them to to make jelly, pies, apple sauce, cider, fruit leather and all around eating too. I have two trees, and the apples I don't get, my two Labrador Retrievers get. They have a 20ft x 20ft kennel, and wait at the door every day and run right by me to get the latest droppings. The only apple I want!!!
- 20 Oct 2013 ILLINOIS, United StatesCortland is my favorite apple of all time. I will travel miles just to get a bag of Cortland over any other variety sold at local stores.
- 15 Oct 2013 MI, United StatesOur local Cortland was only identified a few short days ago. The apples are incredibly large, tart/sweet, make FABULOUS chunky applesauce. The apples hold their shape well, and I'm excited to try them in pies and strudels. We are seeking advice about pruning this tree to help it generate more fruit. If the size of the trunk is any indication, this is at least an 80 yr old tree. It is a true sentinel.
- 30 Sep 2013 WYOMING, United StatesOur apple tree is 50 years old and always bears fruit, but this year was amazing. We harvested almost 500 pounds of fruit from our one tree! Some apples were softball-size, but most were a little bigger than baseballs. It is a descendant of one of the 100-year-old apple trees in a local orchard. Apparently 101 varieties were originally grown there.
- 07 Jan 2013 NY, United StatesBo - Tender flesh with a mild sweet honey flavor and medium mealy texture Brent - A nice cross between sweet and tart. Great apple for mid afternoon treat.
- 27 Oct 2012 VA, United StatesCortlands are so very hard to find. Past couple years, have been available at our local farmer's market. The absolute best apple I have ever tasted. I am spoiled -- wish they were more readily available.
- 09 Oct 2012 TX, United StatesIf McIntosh can tend toward the mealy, the Cortland I just ate tended toward the hard and a bit fibrous. Tough peel. Flavor is very good though, very reminiscent of McIntosh, but sweeter. Don't often see them in Texas and was glad to try it.
- 09 Jun 2011 TX, United StatesCortland is my favorite apple for everything. But living in Texas it is hard to find. I have only found one store in Austin that carries them and then it is not for very long. Either Oct. or Nov. There is not very many apples grown in Texas. Too hot. They need a cold winter.
- 14 May 2011 NM, United StatesLee einerlee@yahoo.com Las Vegas, NM My cortland bore last year for the first time; the flavor was a nice balance of sweet and tart, and the texture was deliciously crisp. My only criticism is that while acidity and sweetness were well balanced and the texture was great, it did not have the complexity of flavor which some apples do. Still, I'm already looking forward to this season's harvest.
- 29 Dec 2010 NJ, United StatesThe perfect apple! Even Oprah, our chihuahua, loves them. Cool, crisp, and not too tart. So good I am trying to grow them myself.
- 09 Dec 2010 IOWA, United StatesCortland is our favorite apple but is hard to find here in Iowa. The local Wilson's Orchards has just a few Cortland trees so we call frequently in the fall so we can pick when Cortlands are at their peak. My wife loves to eat them crisp & tart while I wait for Cortlands to age into a softer mellow taste. So we have to pick a lot so some can survive the wife to make it to mellow.
- 10 Nov 2010 MA - WORCESTER, United Statesafter reading some comments on taste ,,,i find this apple to be all over the place in taste ,,it varies greatly ,, sometimes so tart i can hardly bite into one without crimping my face,,and they are usually firm with that ,,,,, other occasions they are soft and sweet ,,,, this has been a real ''depends'' apple for us i also agree with albasemi on size,,i have never seen a mac get as large as the larger cortland ps, im eating homemade cortland sauce just off the fire as i speak,,,,
- 10 Nov 2010 MA - WORCESTER, United Statesthis apple can be my favorite eating apple ,,depends on the yr. climate ,, orchard and even tree,,,,we frequent orchards that have them ,,,they are getting popular in this area now,,,i prefer the yrs that produce the tartest cortlands ,,,, when cooking ,i make sure not to overcook,,they tend to soften to much,, out of season they are horrid ,,,we call then sawdusty around here , but ,,when they are right ,,,wow,,,,dynamite
- 31 Oct 2010 MI/KALAMAZOO, United StatesI don't like this apple at all. The texture is mushy and I bought these while in season in Michigan. A waste of money. Even the Honeycrisp "seconds" are better than these
- 21 Oct 2010 NEW YORK, United StatesThis apple is incredible
- 13 Sep 2010 MO, United StatesThis is my favorite apple for pie making and for raw apple cake. We had an apple farm nearby where we could buy this variety in Wisconsin, but it is very hard to find here in Missouri. Most supermarkets never carry it in our area, although a few farms have a limited supply.
- 11 Jan 2010 WI, United StatesTo me, Cortland is the very definition of "apple". Its semi-sweet, juicy, flavorful flesh and versatility has made it my favorite apple for many years. It is great for eating, and for pies, but especially my favorite, for applesauce. I have recently sampled about 15 different varieties of apple in the quest to find the perfect apple for me, but Cortland remains unmatched in flavor and versatility. It is the most appley apple! If I had to complain about Cortland, it would be two things. First, the skin is relatively tough and tastes "green" to me. So I prefer getting rid of the peels, though it's not terrible, just preference maybe. And the other thing is that before too long (a month or two), the flesh becomes mealy and lifeless, even in cold storage. But eat them fresh, or make pies and sauce with them after they age, and it won't matter in the slightest.
- 09 Jan 2010 NY, United StatesThe best all round, all purpose apple there is. Cortland is very hardy and grows extremely well here in Western, NY. It ripens in mid-September and is sweeter than its cousin, the Macintosh. You can do everything with this apple from fresh eating, pies, cider, sauce, etc. Another advantage is that the flesh does not brown quickly or hardly at all after you slice it. I like it best during the first pickings when the apple is still a little green and has a bit more tart flavor.
- 21 Aug 2009 PAWTUCKET, RI, United StatesThe Cortland apple is my favorite apple, but it highly depends on when in the season you get them (later seems to be better) and where they come from. I don't pay enough attention to know where and when exactly the best Cortland can be had, but I used to work at a supermarket and sometimes we'd get these giant Cortland apples that were the most delicious apples I've ever tasted. Cortland apples also make great pies, but you have to take care to cook them well enough since they tend to require more time than a traditional Macintosh apple.
- 24 Jul 2009 ONTARIO, CanadaCortlands are a very common variety here in Ontario,Canada.Like a Mac, but larger, a bit sweeter & usually more fragrant. They're excellent because they don't brown as quick as most other kinds(fruit plates/dip etc).They keep a bit better than Macs, too, in the cellar & refrigerator.A really nice apple. Pretty good for pies, too,although not as good as Northern Spy.
- 12 Jul 2009 YORK, PA, United StatesI like to add a Chopped Macintosh Apple to my (Raw, uncooked) Quick Cook Oat Meal, along with Raising and Peanuts, plus Grassfed Org. Cow's Milk. I like the mixed Sweet/tartness and crunchiness of the Macintosh Apples, especially. My local Grocery Store has began carrying these Cortland apples, quite recently--and, since I'm currently Ill, and unable to go shopping, I'm taking advantage of their ishop online Feature. This will essentially keep me from being able to feel, smell, and judge the fruit on my own. Based on my above description, what do you think I may find that is different in Flavor, Crunchiness, or the Balance of Sweet/Tart/Juiciness I've come to appreciate from the Macintoshes, in these Hybrid Cortlands? I'd very much appreciate a quick Answer. Cordially, Clarisse L. Dodge, York, PA, USA PS. Until recently I didn't know that the Apples I liked so, in my breakfast were the Macintoshes, I just bought them, for their lower price than the Red Delicious, which I never knew whether they'd be juicy, sweet and crunchy, or pulpy, dry and tasteless. i was glad to find out the Apples I liked so much were the(lower-cost) Macintoshes.
- 10 Oct 2008 ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS, United StatesThis is lovely apple! Visibly and in flavor it reminds one very much of McIntosh, one of its parents, except that the skin's color is much more uniformly red, and that red is darker. The flesh is bright white, so when sliced into wedges there is an interesting color contrast between the bright white flesh and the dark ruby red skin. In flavor it is akin to McIntosh, but less acidic, and perhaps with a stronger perfume. In my experience Cortland apples are also often larger than McIntosh apples.
Tree register
United States
- Aaron Millis in HELENA, MT
- Aaron Piedmonte in Dansville, NY
- Albany Appleguy in Castleton, NY
- Alison And Peter in Hadley, MASSACHUSETTS
- Alison Loy in Burtchville, MICHIGAN / ST. CLAIR
- Andrew David Vetsch in BUFFALO, MN
- Andrew Plumer in Ashfield, MA
- Ann, Ray Hollins in New Castle, VA
- B. J. Converse in Searsmont, MAINE
- baker3@wildblue.net in Thawville, ILLINOIS
- Becky Liegl in Waupaca, WI/WAUPACA
- Bill & Maggie Hein in Faribault, MN MINNESOTA
- Bill Martin in Bristol, TN
- Brian Phillips in Saint Johns, MI
- Bryan Houser in Elkton, MI
- Carla Zimmerman in Neida, WISCONSIN
- Charlie Holderman in BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, IDAHO
- Chris in MILFORD, IA
- Chuck in Worthington, MINNESOTA
- Dale Kopman in Hayti, SD
- Darrell And Sharon Haen in Kaukauna, WI
- Darren Peters in Rock Spring, GEORGIA
- David A Dawson in Solsberry, INDIANA
- David M. Taylor in Two Rivers, WI
- David Shaffer in Harrod, OH
- Dennis in Bradford, DARKE, OH
- Doku in Midland, MI
- Dona Grant in Winchester, OHIO
- Doug Drmolka in Glen Ellyn, ILLINOIS
- G. Kopmanis in Coleman, MI
- Herdie Baisden in STOCKHOLM, WI
- J.P.Curry in Sturgeon, MO
- James Dierberger in Hebron, CT
- James Heath in Barneveld, WISCONSIN
- James Wargo in SOUTHBURY, CT
- Jeannie Berg in Scio, OR
- Jeff Singleton in ALBION, MAINE
- Jeff Will in Elko, MN / SCOTT
- Joel Howie in Canton, NEW YORK
- Jonathan Bastedo in YUCAIPA, CA
- Keaton Foster in BEAR LAKE, MI
- Khashline@Gmail.Com in Rouses Point, NEW YORK
- Kim Lapacek in Poynette, WI
- Kurt in Ladysmith, WI - WISCONSIN
- Kurt in Ladysmith, WI - WISCONSIN
- Lee Einer in Las Vegas, NM
- Lori - Jim McKeaige in Otter Creek, IOWA/JACKSON
- Mark A. Rock in Columbia Station, OHIO
- Mark Abushady in Meshoppen, PENNSYLVANIA
- Mark Anderson in Glastonbury, CONNECTICUT
- Mark Campbell in Centerville, INDIANA
- Mark Schultz in Ammon, IDAHO
- Mark Tracey in Ortonville, MICHIGAN
- Matt in Emmett, MI
- Matthew in Pinon Hills, CA
- Michael Miller in Kennett Square, PA
- Michelle Williams in Glenwood, SUSSEX COUNTY,NJ
- Mike in Hollis, NH
- Mike Haller in SIOUX CITY, IOWA
- Mike Mades in Westfield, WI
- Mitch in Granger, IN
- Nathan Parker in Mount Shasta, CA
- Nathan Shackelford in Aurora, IL
- Nickschweitzer@Comcast.Net in Sparta, MICHIGAN (MI)
- Paul Gerrish in Newbury, MA
- Paul Gerrish in Newbury, MA
- Paul Grochowski in Floyd, VIRGINIA
- R. Turner in Greenbank, WASHINGTON, ISLAND
- Randy Anderson in MONTICELLO, KY
- Richard Zehrung in Bremerton, WA
- Rick Simoniello in Storrs / Mansfield, CT
- Rob Bryant in Monticello, IN
- Robert Barbuto in Plainfield, CT
- Robert Crandall in Capac, MICHIGAN
- Robert Wallace in WESTMINSTER, VT
- Roian Atwood in York, MAINE
- Ronald J. Knutson in Eau Claire, EAU CLAIRE, WI
- Ronny Blackstock in Fitzgerald, GA
- Rory Mcgregor in Mapleton,, MN
- Ryan Esparza in Somerset, WI
- Selmi's Orchard and Farm in ROCK FALLS, IL
- Seth Powers in Mcindoe Falls, VERMONT
- Shirley Morelli in Northport, WA
- Slippy in Hamburg, WI
- Stephan Orchard in Westfield, INDIANA
- Steve Bean in Kaysville, UTAH
- Steve Knoebber in Vicksburg, MICHIGAN
- Steven Stanley in Johnson City, TENNESSEE
- Surik Mehrabyan in Ithaca, NY
- Susan Karpenski in Meadville, PA
- Teresa in BUFFALO, MT
- Thomas Griffith in Cottage Grove, WI
- Tim Cheney in Walpole, ME/LINCOLN
- Virginia Purdum in Lander, WYOMING
- Whitney Peters in Sixes, OREGON
- Bill O'Keefe in Dobbinton, ONTARIO
- D. Mclenaghen in Toronto, ONTARIO
- Erik Nordenson in Cobourg, ONTARIO
- Jeannine Caldbeck in Thetis Island, BRITISH COLUMBIA
- katjatinnemann@gmail.com in Victoria, BC
- Kieran in KARS, ONTARIO
- Kris Lunan in Cornwall, ON
- Laura in Gatineau, QC
- Mat Vaughan in Clear Creek, ONTARIO
- Patsy Huntington in Mont-Tremblant, QUEBEC
- Peter Smith in Bridgetown, NOVA SCOTIA
- Susie Cordia in Foster North, VICTORIA
Spring blossom records for this variety
2022 season
- 15th May 2022 - tree owned by Laura in Gatineau, Canada
2018 season
- 15th May 2018 - tree owned by Mike in Hollis, United States
2017 season
- 30th May 2017 - tree owned by David in Two Rivers, United States
- 23rd May 2017 - tree owned by Khashline@Gmail.Com in Rouses Point, United States
2016 season
- June 2016 - tree owned by B. in Searsmont, United States
- 29th May 2016 - tree owned by David in Two Rivers, United States
2015 season
- 30th May 2015 - tree owned by David in Two Rivers, United States
2014 season
- 4th June 2014 - tree owned by David in Two Rivers, United States
- 24th May 2014 - tree owned by D. in Toronto, Canada
- 13th May 2014 - tree owned by Alison in Hadley, United States
- 3rd May 2014 - tree owned by baker3@wildblue.net in Thawville, United States
- May 2014 - tree owned by Alison in Burtchville, United States
- 25th April 2014 - tree owned by J.P.Curry in Sturgeon, United States
2013 season
- 1st June 2013 - tree owned by David in Two Rivers, United States
- 19th May 2013 - tree owned by Mike in Westfield, United States
- 12th May 2013 - tree owned by Robert in Plainfield, United States
- 9th May 2013 - tree owned by Alison in Hadley, United States
- May 2013 - tree owned by Virginia in Lander, United States
2012 season
- 1st June 2012 - tree owned by Patsy in Mont-Tremblant, Canada
- 16th May 2012 - tree owned by David in Two Rivers, United States
- 7th May 2012 - tree owned by Peter in Bridgetown, Canada
- 20th April 2012 - tree owned by Chuck in Worthington, United States
- 22nd March 2012 - tree owned by J.P.Curry in Sturgeon, United States
Record your blossom dates in our Fruit Tree Register - more >>.
Harvest records for this variety
2023 season
- 1st week September 2023 - tree owned by Bryan in Elkton, United States
2019 season
- 1st week September 2019 - tree owned by Dennis in Bradford, United States
2018 season
- 2nd week September 2018 - tree owned by Mike in Hollis, United States
2017 season
- 1st week October 2017 - tree owned by Khashline@Gmail.Com in Rouses Point, United States
- 2nd week September 2017 - tree owned by Dennis in Bradford, United States
2016 season
- 2nd week October 2016 - tree owned by David in Two Rivers, United States
- 3rd week September 2016 - tree owned by Lori in Otter Creek, United States
- 3rd week September 2016 - tree owned by B. in Searsmont, United States
2015 season
- 2nd week October 2015 - tree owned by David in Two Rivers, United States
- 4th week September 2015 - tree owned by Mark in Glastonbury, United States
2014 season
- 3rd week October 2014 - tree owned by David in Two Rivers, United States
- September 2014 - tree owned by Alison in Burtchville, United States
2013 season
- 3rd week October 2013 - tree owned by David in Two Rivers, United States
- 4th week September 2013 - tree owned by Robert in Plainfield, United States
- September 2013 - tree owned by Virginia in Lander, United States
2012 season
- Species: Malus domestica - Apple
- Parentage: Ben Davis x McIntosh
- Originates from: Geneva, New York, United States
- Introduced: 1898 / 1915
- Developed by: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station
- UK National Fruit Collection accession: 1976-139
- We are grateful to Brogdale Farm - home of the UK National Fruit Collection - for providing samples of this variety.
- Country of origin: United States
- Period of origin: 1900 - 1949
- Fruit colour: Crimson
- Leaf colour: Green
- Popularity: Best sellers
- Annual cycle: Deciduous
- Picking season: Late
- Keeping (of fruit): 2-3 weeks
- Flavour quality: Good
- Flavour style (apples): Sweeter
- Cooking result: Keeps shape
- Discoloration of fruit: No discoloration (Good for drying)
- Cropping: Heavy
- Fruit persistence: Normal ripening
- Food uses: Eating fresh
- Food uses: Culinary
- Picking period: mid-September
- Wildlife: RHS Plants for Pollinators
- Gardening skill: Beginner
- Flowering group: 3
- Pollinating others: Average
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Vigour: Average vigour
- Bearing regularity: Regular
- Fruit bearing: Partial tip-bearer
- Self-fertility: Partially self-fertile
- Cold hardiness (USDA): Zone 4 (-34C)
- Climate suitability: Temperate climates
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Cool ( 20-24C / 68-75F)
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Warm (25-30C / 76-85F)
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Cold (< 20C / 67F)
Other qualities
- Disease resistance: Good
- Scab (Apple and Pear): Some susceptibility
- Fire blight: Some susceptibility
- Cedar apple rust: Some susceptibility
Where to buy trees
The following tree nurseries offer Cortland apple trees for sale:
- Orange Pippin Fruit Trees (USA) United States
Cortland apple trees
Where to buy fresh fruit
The following orchards grow Cortland:
United States
- Beatty's Orchard, Hereford
- Riley's at Los Rios Rancho, Yucaipa
- Gott Bro's Orchard & Produce, L.L.C., Ignacio
- Masonville Orchard, Fort Collins
- Allyn's Red Barn, Ledyard
- Averill Farm, Washington Depot
- Bishop's Orchard, Guilford
- Bordeaux Farm, Somers
- Country Corners Farm, Griswold
- Ellsworth Hill Orchard & Berry Farm, LLC, Sharon
- Emerald Green Farm & Gardens, Wallingford
- Irish Bend Orchard, Somers
- Lyman Orchards, Middlefield
- Norton Brothers Fruit Farms, Cheshire
- Palazzi Orchard, East Killingly
- Scott's Yankee Farmer, East Lyme
- Seek No Further Orchard, Hebron
- Staehly Farms, East Haddam
- BYU-Idaho Apple Orchard Museum, Rexburg
- All Seasons Apple Orchard, Woodstock *** Feature Orchard ***
- Christ Orchard, Elmwood
- Curtis Orchard & Pumpkin Patch, Champaign
- Jonamac Orchards, Malta
- Kuipers Family Farm, Maple Park
- Lang's Orchard, Woodstock
- Liberty Apple Orchard, Edwardsville
- Meadowmoor Orchard, Woodstock
- Okaw Valley Orchard, Sullivan
- Orchard Ridge Farms, Rockton
- Pleasant Row Orchard, Cuba
- Prairie Sky Orchard, Union
- R.E. Arends Orchard, Laura
- Royal Oak Farm and Fruit Orchard, Harvard *** Feature Orchard ***
- Tanner's Orchard, Speer
- Valley Orchard, Cherry Valley
- Woodstock Country Orchard, Woodstock
- Anderson Orchard, Mooresville
- Apple of His Eye, Anderson
- Apple Works, Trafalgar
- Beasley's Orchard and Gardens, Danville
- Bruick Brothers Produce / Advanced Tree Technology, New Haven
- Cook's Orchard, Fort Wayne
- County Line Orchard, Hobart
- Deer Creek Orchard, Galveston
- Ditzler Orchard, Rosedale
- Doud's Countyline Orchard, Wabash
- Dougherty Orchards, Cambridge City
- G. W. Stroh Orchards, Angola
- Garwood Orchards, LaPorte
- Goley's Orchard, Madison
- Kercher's Sunrise Orchards Farm Market, Goshen
- Lee's Orchard, Columbus
- McClure's Orchard, Peru
- Melton's Orchard and Country Market, Bloomington
- Mowry's Fruit Farm, Crown Point
- Orchard Hill Farms, Kendallville
- Pleasant View Orchard, Fairland
- Radke's Orchards, Michigan City
- Schafer Orchards, Princeton
- Tuttle Orchards, Greenfield
- Villa Orchard, Batesville
- Whiteland Orchard, Whiteland
- Allen's Orchard, Marion
- Appleberry Farm, Marshalltown
- Applecart Orchard, Vinton
- Apples on the Avenue, Nashua
- Berry Patch Farm, Nevada
- Blueridge Orchard, Denver
- Center Grove Orchard, Cambridge
- Community Orchards, Fort Dodge
- Deal's Orchard, Jefferson
- East View Orchard, Fredericksburg
- Gravert's Apple Basket Orchard, Sabula
- Hillside Orchard, Newell
- Iowa Orchard, Urbandale
- Smalls Fruit Farm, Mondamin
- Storybook Orchard, Story City
- The Big Apple Orchard, Mount Vernon
- Timeless Prairie Orchard, Winthrop
- Wilson's Orchard, Iowa City
- Evans Orchard & Cider Mill, Georgetown
- Hinton's Orchard & Farm Market, Hodgenville
- Reed Valley Orchard, Paris
- Circle B Farms, Caribou
- Conant Orchards, Etna
- Eden Acres Family Farm, East Waterboro
- Hooper's Orchard, Monroe
- Hope Orchards, Hope
- Megquier Hill Orchard (formerly Goss), Otisfield
- North Chester Orchard, Chester
- Pietree Orchard, Sweden
- Pine View Orchard, Berwick
- Roberts' Orchard, Poland
- Shalom Organic Orchard & Winery, Franklin
- Sweetser's Apple Barrel and Orchards, Cumberland Center
- Lewis Orchards and Farm Market, Cavetown
- Arcadian Farms, Holliston
- Atkins Farms, Amherst
- Autumn Hill Orchards, Groton
- Bartlett's Orchard, Richmond
- Berlin Orchards, Berlin
- Bolton Orchards, Bolton
- Bolton Spring Farm, Bolton
- Brooksby Farm, Peabody
- C.N. Smith Farm, East Bridgewater
- Carver Hill Orchards, Stow
- Charlton Orchard, Inc., Charlton
- Cider Hill Farm, Amesbury
- Clarkdale Fruit Farms, Deerfield
- Cooks Farm Orchard, Brimfield
- Doe Orchards, Harvard
- Drew Farms, Westford
- Echo Hill Orchards and Winery, Monson
- Fairmount Fruit Farm, Franklin
- Green River Farms, Williamstown
- Headwater Cider, Hawley
- Hillbrook Orchards, Groton
- Hilltop Orchards, Richmond
- Hyland Orchard Inc., Fiskdale
- Mann Orchards, Methuen
- Marino Lookout Farm, South Natick
- Marshall Farm, Fitchburg
- Meadowbrook Orchards, Sterling
- Nicewicz Farm, Bolton
- Old Frog Pond Farm, Harvard
- Park Hill Orchard, Easthampton
- Parker's Orchard, Westborough
- Parlee Farms, Tyngsboro
- Peters Family Orchards and Cider Mill, Acushnet
- Phil's Apples, Harvard
- Ragged Hill Orchard, West Brookfield
- Red Apple Farm, Phillipston
- Russell Orchards, Ipswich
- Sholan Farms, Leominster
- Stowe Farm Orchard, Millbury
- The Country Apple at Marshall Farm, Fitchburg
- Tougas Family Farm, Northborough
- Westward Orchards, Harvard
- Wheel-View Farm, Shelburne
- Wojcik Farm, Blackstone
- (A.W.) Overhiser Orchards, South Haven
- Alber's Orchard & Cider Mill, Manchester
- Bayne's Apple Valley Farm, Freeland
- Bennett's Orchard, Ottawa Lake
- Bintz Cider Mill and Apple Farm, Freeland
- Crane's U-Pick, Fennville
- Elliotts Orchard, Bellaire
- Erwin Orchards U-Pick & Cider Mill, South Lyon
- Friske Orchards & Farm Market, Ellsworth
- Grand View Orchard, Hudsonville
- Granny's Orchard, Eaton Rapids
- Hildebrand Fruit Farms, Berrien Springs
- Husted Farm Market and Cider Mill, Kalamazoo
- Jacques Orchard, Hemlock
- Klackle Orchards, Greenville
- Knaebe's "Mmmunchy Krunchy" Apple Farm Cider Mill, Rogers City
- Koan's Orchard, Flushing
- Leaman's Green Applebarn, Freeland
- Lewis Farm Market & Petting Farm, New Era
- Long Family Orchard and Farm, Commerce
- Markillie Orchard and Cider Mill, Howell
- McCartney Farm, Sodus
- Miller Family Orchard, Vassar
- Miller's Big Red Apple Orchard, Washington Twp
- Moelker Orchards & Farm Market, Grand Rapids
- Orchard Hill Farm, Caledonia
- Pankiewicz Cider Mill & Farm Market, Casco
- Phillips Orchards & Cider Mill, Saint Johns
- Porter's Orchard Farm Market & Cider Mill, Goodrich
- Rennhack Orchards, Hart
- Robinette's Apple Haus and Winery, Grand Rapids
- Schultz Fruitridge Farms, Mattawan
- Springhope Farm, Galien
- Tompkins' Orchard and Country Store, Vassar
- Uncle John's Cider Mill & Fruit House Winery, St. Johns
- Uptegraff's Orchard, Davison
- VerHage Fruit Farms, Kalamazoo
- Westview Farm, Mattawan
- Aamodt's Apple Farm and Bakery, Stillwater
- Afton Apple Orchard, Hastings
- Apple Jack Orchards, Delano
- Apple Tree-O, Delano
- Big Woods Orchard, Winona
- Center Creek Orchard, Fairmont
- Dayton Avenue Orchard, Adrian
- Fireside Orchard and Gardens, Northfield
- Fischer's Croix Farm Orchard, Hastings
- Lucking's Cannon Valley Orchard, Cannon Falls
- Minnesota Harvest, Jordan
- Minnetonka Orchards, Minnetrista
- Montgomery Orchards, Montgomery
- Nelson's Apple Farm, Webster
- Novak's Orchards, LLC, Woodbury
- Nystrom Orchard, Worthington
- Orchard on the Bluff, Franconia Township
- Pleasant Valley Orchard, Taylors Falls
- Southwind Orchards, Dakota
- Straight River Farm, Faribault
- Two Fruit's Fruits, Hinckley
- White Barn Orchard, Northfield
- Woods' Edge Apples, Buffalo
- Blue Heron Orchard, Canton
- Centennial Farms, Augusta
- Hickory Ridge Orchard, Mexico
- Purple Gate Farm, Highlandville
- O'Farrell Orchards, Bigfork
- Ross Orchards, Fromberg
- Degroot Orchards, Madison
- Trees, Shrubs & More, Inc., Bellevue
New Hampshire
- Alyson's Apple Orchard, Walpole
- Apple Annie, Brentwood
- Applecrest Farm Orchards, Hampton Falls
- Appleview Orchard, Pittsfield
- Butternut Farm LLC, Farmington
- Carter Hill Orchard, Concord
- Demeritt Hill Farm, Lee
- Gould Hill Farm, Contoocook
- Hackleboro Orchards, Canterbury
- Hatches Orchard, Center Conway
- Hetnar Orchard Inc., Epping
- Lull Farm, Hollis
- McLeod Brothers Orchard, Milford
- Old Ciderpress Farm, Westmoreland
- Richardson's Farm, Boscawen
- Smith Orchard, Belmont
- Stone Brook Hill Farm, Gilford
- Stonybrook Farm, Gilford
New Jersey
- Apgar Cider Press, Phillipsburg
- Beemerville Orchards, Sussex
- Delicious Orchards, Colts Neck
- Lee Turkey Farm, Hightstown
- Longmeadow Farm, Hope
- Mackeys Orchard, Belvidere
- Mood's Farm Market, Mullica Hill
- Mountain Top Orchard, Glen Gardner
- Parks Farms, Chester
- Peaceful Valley Orchards, Pittstown
- Pochuck Valley Farms Market and deli, Glenwood
- Race's Farm Market, Blairstown
- Riamede Farm, Chester
- Russo's Fruit & Vegetable Farm, Inc., Tabernacle
- Schober Sons, Inc., Monroeville
- Stoneyfield Orchards, Belvidere
- Strawberry Hill Farm, Chesterfield
- Terhune Orchards, Princeton
- Tree-Licious Orchards, Port Murray
New Mexico
- Cadwallader Mountain Farms, Mountain Park
New York
- Albany Apple Guy:Purveyor of Rare & Exotic Apples, Castleton
- Apple Barrel Orchards, Penn Yan
- Apple Ridge Orchards, Warwick
- Applewood Orchards, Warwick
- Bellinger's Apple Orchard, Fultonville
- Bidwell Orchards, Fort Plain
- Billy Bob's Orchard, Putnam Station
- Black Diamond Farm, Trumansburg
- Borden's Orchard, Schaghticoke
- Bowman Orchards, Rexford
- Critz Farms, Cazenovia
- Dr. Davies Farm, Congers
- Everett Orchards, Plattsburgh
- Exelsior Farms, Kent
- Fishkill Farms, Hopewell Junction
- G and S Orchards, Macedon
- Goold Orchards, Castleton on Hudson
- Grisamore Farms, Locke
- Hathaway Farms LLC, Ripley
- Hopedale Farm, Hudson
- Hurds Family Farm, Modena
- Indian Ladder Farms Inc., Altamont
- Lone Maple Farm, Binghamton
- LoveApple Farms, Ghent
- Masker Fruit Farms Inc., Warwick
- Mead Orchards LLC, Tivoli
- Miller's Apples, Dunkirk
- Minards Family Farm, Clintondale
- Morgan Farms LLC, Marion
- Northern Orchard Co Inc., Peru
- Ontario Orchards Farm, Market & Cider Mill, Sterling
- Oriole Orchards, Red Hook
- Prospect Hill Orchards, Milton
- Rose Hill Farm, Red Hook
- Rulfs Orchard, Peru
- Samascott Orchard, Kinderhook
- Seven Ponds Orchard, Water Mill
- Smith's Orchard Cider Mill, Lockport
- Soons Orchards Inc., New Hampton
- Spring Wagon Orchards, Penn Yan
- Stone Ridge Orchard, Stone Ridge
- Trapani Farm LLC, Milton
- Weed Orchards, Marlboro
- Whittier Fruit Farm, Rochester
- Windy Hill Orchard & Farm Market, Cassville
North Carolina
- Creasman Farms, Hendersonville
- DH Orchards, Moravian Falls
- Mountain Fresh Apples, Hendersonville
- Skytop Orchards, Flat Rock
- Apple Hill Orchards, Mansfield
- Arrowhead Orchard, Paris
- Bauman Orchards, Rittman
- Beckwith Orchards, Cider Mill and Gift Shop, Kent
- Burnham Orchards, Berlin Heights
- Eshleman Fruit Farm, Clyde
- Fuhrmann Orchards, Wheelersburg
- Granville Orchard, Granville
- Hidden Hills Orchard, Marietta
- Hoen's Orchard and Market, Delta
- Hucks Orchard, South Charleston
- Hugus Fruit Farm, Rushville
- Johnston Fruit Farms, Swanton
- Legend Hills Orchard, Utica
- Lynd Fruit Farm, Pataskala
- M & M Orchard, Ashtabula
- Monroe's Orchard & Farm Market, LLC, Hiram
- Moreland Fruit Farm, Wooster
- Ochs Fruit Farm, Lancaster
- Reese's Orchard, Lancaster
- Richardson Farms, Medina
- Sunrise Farm Market, Garden & Gift, Burton
- Tüken's Farm Market and Orchard, West Alexandria
- Votaw Farms, Pioneer
- West Orchards, Perry
- Andrews Farm Market, Saint Thomas
- Apple Castle, New Wilmington
- Boyer Orchards, New Paris
- Brown's Orchards & Farm Market, Loganville
- County Line Orchard, Kempton
- Dries Orchards, Sunbury
- Emerald Cider Mill, Slatington
- Flinchbaugh's Orchard and Farm Market, Hellam
- Godfrey Run Farm, LLC, Lake City
- Gray Wolf Plantation, New Oxford
- Gray's Apple Ridge Orchard, Jonestown
- Gulicks Fruit Farm, Bangor
- Half Crown Hill Orchard, McDonald
- Hollabaugh Brothers, Biglerville
- Kistaco Farm, Apollo
- Klim Orchard, Lake Ariel
- Masonic Village Farm Market, Elizabethtown
- McConnells' Farm, Aliquippa
- Meadowhawk Farm, Millerstown
- Miles Orchard (Miles Farm Produce), Coudersport
- Northrop's Apple Acres, Lake City
- Orton's Fruit Farm, North East
- Pappy's Orchard, Coopersburg
- Paulus Orchards, Dillsburg
- Rocky Ridge Orchards, Kane
- Shady Brook Farm, Yardley
- Shanesville Fruit Farm, Boyertown
- Shaw Orchards, Stewartstown
- Shenot Farm, Wexford
- Soergel's Orchards, Wexford
- Strites' Orchard, Harrisburg
- Taggart's Orchard, Washington
- Townsend Brother's Fruit Farm, Spring Church
- Weaver's Orchard, Morgantown
Rhode Island
- Appleland Orchard, LLC, Greenville
- Barden Family Orchard, North Scituate
- Dame Farm & Orchards, Johnston
- Rocky Brook Orchard, Middletown
- Steere Orchard, Greenville
- Young Family Farm, Little Compton
South Dakota
- Country Apple Orchard, Harrisburg
- Hoversten Orchards LTD, Brandon
- Krause Family Orchard & Nursery Inc., Glenham
- Outback Orchard, Florence
- Seven Saplings Farm, Richford
- Terry's Orchard, Bennington
- Woodman Hill Orchard, Vergennes
- Ayers Orchards, Cana
- Showalter's Orchard & Greenhouse, LLC, Timberville
- Virginia Farm Market, Winchester
- Bauer's Apple Shed, Hortonville
- Door Creek Orchard, Cottage Grove
- Ecker's Apple Farm, Trempealeau
- Hillside Apples, Casco
- Maple Ridge Orchard, Cashton
- Nature's Select Orchard, Turtle Lake
- Orchard Store at Old Homestead, Franksville
- Peck & Bushel Fruit Company, Town of Erin/City of Colgate
- Pleasant View Orchard, Niagara
- Rim's Edge Orchard, Germantown
- Roo's Apple Orchard, Omro
- Rush River Orchard and Bakery, Ellsworth
- Sacia Orchards, Galesville *** Feature Orchard ***
- Silver Creek Orchards, Merrill
British Columbia
- Apple Luscious Organic Orchards, Salt Spring Island
- Dragonfly Farm, Salt Spring Island
- Ravenskill Orchards, Gabriola Island
- Salt Spring Apple Company, Salt Spring Island
New Brunswick
- Verger Belliveau Orchard, Memramcook
Nova Scotia
- Elderkin's Farm Market, Greenwich
- Sarsfield Farms Inc., Canning
- Blue Dog Orchards, Clear Creek
- DeVries Fruit Farm, Fenwick
- Dixie Orchards, Caledon
- Kilmarnock Orchard, Jasper
- Moore Orchards, Cobourg
- Mountain Orchards, Mountain
- Organics Farm, Markham
- Rural Route Orchard, Halton Hills
- T & K Ferri Orchards, Clarksburg
- Waddell Apples, Kingston
- Les Vergers de la Colline, Ste-Cécile de Milton
- Cedar-Apple Rust
Author: Stephen Vann, University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture (FSA7538)
Rated as susceptible - control usually needed where CAR is prevalent. - Apples for the 21st Century
Author: Manhart