Egremont Russet is a classic English russet apple from the Victorian era. Whilst russet apples have generally fallen out of favour, Egremont Russet remains popular with discerning apple lovers who appreciate its unique flavour and apearance.
Part of its enduring success is down to niche marketing. This is an apple that dares to be different ! It is a russet-skinned variety with a dry flesh - a style of apple that has not attracted the attentions of mainstream apple breeders, but nevertheless seems to have a dedicated following. Also, inspite of its unique appearance, Egremont Russet has many of the characteristics which mark out a good apple: a harmony of flavour and texture, and a good balance between sweetness and sharpness.
The difference is evident as soon as you pick it up. The skin is entirely covered with "russet", which feels like very fine sandpaper. Some other varieties have streaks of russet, notably Cox's Orange Pippin, but in Egremont Russet it completely dominates the appearance. The colour is an attractive dull gold flecked with yellow.
Egremont Russet is a medium-sized apple. The flesh seems quite dry and gets drier with keeping - it is moist rather than juicy. Traditionally described as "nutty", the flavour is more delicate than most varieties, and quite sweet. Both the flavour and the soft flesh are reminiscent of a firm pear. Yet Egremont Russet is surprisingly versatile, working well in savoury salads for example, and a popular partner for cheese.
If you are used to a modern, smooth-skinned, crisp apple then the sandpaper finish of a russet apple like Egremont Russet may sound distinctly un-appealing, but this is a case of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts. It may be very different, but it undoubtedly works - definitely worth a try !
Egremont Russet apple identification images
All images copyright Orange Pippin unless otherwise stated.
USDA identification images for Egremont Russet
The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.
Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Visitor reviews
- 08 Mar 2025the best apple of all time. i eat nothing else. sadly other than off my tree they invariable have a pointless plastic label on the skin. STOP DOING THIS.
- 23 Dec 2023A family favourite. My Dad was a greengrocer and this was his -and is my -favourite apple
- 17 Dec 2023My favourite apple by a long yardstick. Colour, texture, fleshiness and flavour all win the day.
- 11 Dec 2023When I was small we had a russet apple tree in the garden. After picking they were wrapped in newspaper and stored under the bed for Christmas, when they would be ready
- 23 Oct 2023Alongside Cox's Orange Pippin it is my favourite
- 21 Aug 2023If only they were available in Australia 😪
- 14 Sep 2022My favourite from the age of 10. Unfortunately these russets don't seem to be available west of Ontario and they are getting hard to find in Quebec.
- 12 Sep 2022My favourite apple, a good ripe one is a prefect mix of crunch, sweet and tart with a very distinctive flavour. A local fruiterer gets these in every year when they're in season, knowing they'll have quite a few enthusiastic customers. Fruiterer himself hates them, and they do seem to divide opinion in to love/hate camps, but those who like them tend to adore them. I rate them for cooking too, assuming I can keep them long enough to not just eat them!
- 26 Nov 2019 LONDON, United KingdomMy Wife Calls them "Man Apples" Ha. Blackheath Farmers Market. Goes well with mature Goats Cheese. Yum.
- 15 Oct 2019 ANGUS, United KingdomGood flavour, easy to grow, clean fruit. However it is the least tasty of the russets despite being the most famous. Wheelers Russet, Herefordshire Russet, Siddington Russet and especially St Edmunds are much tastier overall
- 20 Jan 2019 DEVON, United KingdomI just love these apples .I wait all year for the season and this year I cannot get them !! Where can I get them in Devon please ?
- 06 Oct 2018 ABERDEEN, United KingdomI have been enjoying these apples for years. They have a nutty, sweetness to them.Of late I think the ones in supermarkets have been picked too early - I usually leave them for a week or two in a bowl and think they are the better for that.
- 14 Dec 2016 ROSS & CROMARTY, United KingdomI decided to plant three small apple trees on my new allotment in 2012, and having read up a lot on suitable varieties for the climate here (Easter Ross, Scotland - milder and dryer than you might think ;), I decide to include an Eggremeont Russet along with a Sunset and a Red Falstaff. My late mother was from Sussex, and she was always keen on the russet apples that she remembered form her youth, so I thought I’d give this a try. Initially this has been disappointing. I was careful to remove all fruit during the first two years so as to encourage fruiting limb growth, but last year I left a few fruits on the tree to ripen. Unfortunately, as for most in the UK, and certainly in the northern parts, 2015 was a poor summer with little heat. Weeks of grey dull and cool weather instead, and though I left the fruit on the tree for as long as I could, the apples were nice enough but didn’t have the rich nuttiness that I was expecting. However, this year they have been a revelation. Frankly the summer weather still wasn’t great this year, but much better than last. I had to thin the fruit three times during the season, eventually reducing the total to about 24 or 26 on the 2m tree. Again I left the fruit as long as I could to ripen, and it was well worth the wait. The resulting apples have been everything I’d hoped for. Matt, dull skin, crisp golden flesh, and a rich nutty flavour with a marked pear-flavour overtones. Magnificent. I’ve given a few of these precious fruit to neighbours, and they have asked for more insisting they are the best apples they’ve ever eaten. I have high hopes for next year.
- 22 Feb 2015 OSLO, NorwayFound the apple in the organic part of Queen Victoria market in Melbourne. Medium to size. Great texture, nice to hold in your hand before eating. Pleasant taste, too. A favorite.
- 07 Dec 2012 DERBY, United KingdomEgremont Russet is the best apple I have tasted. It's alleged to keep well, but I can never keep them for long as they get eaten so quickly. I made cider with them last year and very good too, though 10% alcohol as suggested elsewhere seems a bit high. I got abv of around 6.8%.
- 27 Sep 2012 CANADA, CanadaI have to egrette russet apple trees had them for seven years this is the first year i got apples nice size too but apples only on one tree the other tree doesn't even flower although i fertilized both this summer...
- 14 Nov 2010 KITCHENER, CanadaI grew up in northern region of Croatia called Hrvatsko Zagorje where among other apple trees in our orchard we had one big hollow tree called Kanada ( Canada ). Couple of decades ago my family immigrated to Canada and I was suprised that "Kanada" apple was nowhere to be found in the country it was named for. Recently I went to the St. Jacob's farmers market in Waterloo and there they were; apples that we called Kanada in Europe are called Russet in Canada.
- 05 Oct 2010 CAMBRIDGESHIRE, United KingdomRay Dempsey I would try taking several substantial root cuttings next year, giving them good soil, adequate water and growing them for the 2011 summer season. In early spring 2012, take grafts from the young vigorous shoots at the top of the tree and graft these to the root cuttings. You should then have an *exact* copy of the rootstock and scion (assuming that your tree was grafted). Most apples trees are grafted onto the roots of a different apple tree, so simply trying to grow a root cutting will not result in the same kind of fruit - rootstocks often produce crab apples or poor quality apples, unless grafted. Alternatively, buy some pieces of rootstock from a nursery and graft them with your chosen variety. Some nurseries will offer to do this for you.
- 04 Oct 2010 NOVA SCOTIA, CanadaHere in Nova Scotia we call them Golden Russets. I have an old tree on my property with a hollowed-out trunk, but it still is full of apples. I am checking out how I can get another tree started from this very old tree. Any ideas? Thanks.
- 03 Oct 2010 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, United KingdomWe have just visited the Apple Day at East Markham, Notts, where they have a Heritage Orchard with over 300 varieties of apple..............I didn't try them all, but the Egremont Russet was the best, reminded me of 'scrumping' apples in Kent orchards as a kid!
- 08 Sep 2010 TRENTO, ItalyI've tasted this variety years ago when I came first time to London, so that I stuck the little label of the apple on my camera... because I found it unusually delicious! I would like to plant many trees of this variety on my little land (among the Alps, where I live). How can I buy specimens of it easily? I don't think nurseries here grow this variety, but I'm available to import the plants if necessary. Thank you!
- 05 Sep 2010 HAMPSHIRE, United KingdomAlan, near Petersfield, UK I have a mature Egremont Russet and cannot eat or store all the apples. So I make wonderful cider with this variety. It has a rich russet colour and flavour and a powerful kick because, when made with fully ripe apples, the jiuce has a potential alcohol of >10% if fermented to dryness. Only problem is the apples are very hard and it is difficult work to grind the pulp, but well worth it. The high alcohol content means that the cider keeps well and will continue to improve for a year or two.
- 03 Sep 2010 NOVA SCOTIA, CanadaProblem with many of the posts - Egremont is only one russet; there are many others. (I have Egremont, Roxbury and Swayzie Russets in my own orchard, and there are dozens of others).
- 08 Aug 2010 VICTORIA, AustraliaRoxanna, If you are looking for a Egremont Russet plant to grow in Australia, you can try Woodbridge Fruit Trees from Tasmania. They will post out to any states in Australia except Western Australia. I think they will even sell them overseas subject to quarantine laws. So if you are from Perth, then too bad but give them a call anyway and they can advise you further. Their link is www.woodbridgefruittrees.com.au Goodluck.
- 31 Jul 2010 AustraliaI've absolutely loved russet apples for many years.. but having moved out to Australia, unfortunately they are not available here... i have been hoping to somehow have a go at growing a plant/tree here but dont know where to start.. any suggestions pls???
- 23 Jul 2010 VICTORIA, AustraliaI last posted a comment on this site on 2 March 2008 regarding russet apples and after more than 2 years of phoning and asking around Nurseries in Australia, I've managed to locate and order a couple of bare rooted Egremont apple trees from where else but of course Tasmania, the Apple Isle in Australia !! Most born and bred Australians have not even heard of Russets let alone tasted one. So you can just imaging how excited I was to be able to acquire it here in Australia !!! It is currently winter in the southern hemisphere and the nursery will be posted it out to me in Melbourne in the next few weeks. Looking forward to planting them and see whether all my efforts will actually bear fruit, no punt intended!!!
- 20 Mar 2010 LEICS., United KingdomProbably my favourite apple. Dense and dry flesh that has as unique a flavour as Cox's. It eats well in almost any state - wizzened it is sweeter and still good eating, if a little woolly.
- 04 Oct 2009 SURREY, ENGLAND, United KingdomUsed to scrump russets, and others from a neglected orchard on our way home from school in Canada , not fr from St. Catharines. Must have been small because I remember getting lost in the tall grass . Now have taken over a small old orchard with a russet tree! I never forgot the taste of them picked as they had fallen to the ground.They are definitely my favourite.
- 14 Sep 2009 ST. CATHARINES, ONTARIO., CanadaMost of the apples sold in the stores are not very flavourful. I stopped eating apples until I was given a russet. "Not very nice to look at," I thought. What a surprise when I bit into it, absolutely delicious and a flavour which made all other apples seem like tasting a wooden stick. Russets are the way to go, you can keep all the other varieties
- 06 Sep 2009 GIBSONS, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CanadaThanks to this site, I identified the apple tree in my yard as Egremont Russet. It's unique flavor and skin is very enjoyable, although the flesh does go brown quickly.
- 11 May 2009 STOCKHOLM , SwedenAttn: Kerie Wallace (Mr) (Private individual) It's suggested that because of the porous nature of the Russet's skin, they tend to lose their moisture quickly and dry out when kept in a dry environment. They are supposed to fare better when kept in a cool, humid atmosphere.
- 11 May 2009 STOCKHOLM , SwedenThese apples were part of ofmy fondest memories as a kid in Ontario Canada in the 60's. Someone needs to start a Facebook group, "Bring Back The Russet!"
- 27 Apr 2009 DUKES CO., MASSACHUSETTS, United StatesWe are looking for an egremont russet, already grafted, to replace an old apple tree that was struck by lightning. Does anyone out there have one?
- 27 Mar 2009 WOODSTOCK, NB, United StatesRussets arrive in the grocery stores here just before Christmas and, for me, they are one of the Christmas foods that I always want to have, like mince tarts, Christmas Pudding, and shortbread. They are so tart and crisp, and always remind me of childhood Christmases
- 16 Jan 2009 EGREMONT, United KingdomKathryn the apples from egremont, medieval market town in the lake district. google gurning youl see what were also famous for
- 16 Dec 2008 LIVERPOOL, United KingdomHi Paul!!!! It's amazing that two russet lovers are in the SAME city, yet we've never met!? How many other devoted russetophiles are there in Merseysdie? I'm wondering about pruning my russet tree soon.... any tips?? ANYBODY???
- 14 Dec 2008 LIVERPOOL, United KingdomMy dada used to grow russets when we were small we used to climb that tree and mama said it was v. dagereous but it was worth it to eat loads of "rustys" as we used to call them. Do any other russet fans out there have any similar hilarious anecdotes to share?
- 09 Dec 2008 MA, United StatesI managed an orchard in VT that had this and some other russets. It was in East Calais in the area north of Montpelier. Russets are my favorites and most farmers I know favor them.
- 05 Dec 2008 LIVERPOOL, United KingdomTell me about it Hoy Pal Oi!!!! I recently bought some beloved russets from a supermarket (I won't name and shame them but it rhymes with piddle!!) and I discovered that they were imported from Chile - Brrrrrrrr - probably in a deep chill container brrrr brrr !!! Still, they tasted jolly good even though they were produced by foreigners!!!
- 28 Nov 2008 DANKEST WESTCOUNTRY, United KingdomCertainly my current favourite. I've been trying to buy strictly GB apples for hippy nonsense reasons - and you always here oldies grumbling about how "oooh, england used to have a billion home grown varieties and now it's all uniform apples at sub zero temperatures shipped from the other side of the world!!"
- 17 Nov 2008 WEST MIDLANDS, United KingdomI feel guilty when I read all your comments about the russet apple, as I have two mature trees in the garden and only picked a handfull of apples to eat. I did however pick a couple of kilos of windfalls to make an apple jelly preserve and left the rest to the blackbirds (The birds must like them because upwards of 100 windfalls have all been eaten) .
- 12 Nov 2008 ORISKANY FALLS,NEW YORK, United StatesI just bought Russet apples @ Twin Orchards in New Hartford, New York & I never saw nor tasted one before. They are sweet & the skin is good also, even tho it is not smooth as the apples i'm used to. A apple worth trying..
- 10 Nov 2008 KENT, United KingdomSainsburys has had another batch in and just as superb as the previous. Wonderful balance of pear-acid-apple taste, and that distinctive bite. Nicely sized fruit, apparently from a local Kent farm.
- 09 Nov 2008 MONTREAL, CanadaI have always loved the Russet apple and was wondering where it originates from. I am curious to know if we grow them here in Quebec. We can buy them, but I am not certain of their origin. Some American colleagues of mine, from across the States, saw and tasted a Russet apple for the first time today, which surprised me, since the apple dates back to my childhood years!
- 08 Nov 2008 STAFFORDSHIRE, United KingdomReply to Harold from Bushey, I have an Egremont Russet, about 4 years old, which has fruited very well this year. I suggest you pick as late as possible just as the apples are about to fall, say mid October.
- 02 Nov 2008 WINNIPEG, CanadaI have loved russet apples for many years.. they used to be available in supermarkets in Ontario but when I moved to Manitoba I missed not being able to locate for for a few years. now I watch the store fruit departments during the months of September and Ocober each year.. I just spotted them in a supermarket the other day.. these are grown in Thornbury Ontario... I picked up two bags.. there is nothing quite so good as a ruset apple.
- 25 Oct 2008 United StatesBought 5 Egremont Russets in Sainsbury's last night. They were the last 5 on the tray and the neighbouring Braeburns, Pearmains and Pink Ladys were all still there. Obviously the ER is a popular apple in Grantham! The trouble with Sainsbury's though is that certain apples seem to be there on week and gone the next. This year seems to have been a poor one for variety as well.
- 19 Oct 2008 NYC, United StatesI LOVE LOVE LOVE russet apples! I only eat tart and crispy apples, especially when it's in perfect season and only russet, mcintosh and green apples hit the spot. I have never seen russet apples in NYC but luckily I was in WI visiting my mom and bought a whole bag. Only one vendor at farmer's market in WI sells it. I don't know why, they are delicious and my #1 fav.
- 12 Oct 2008 FRESNO, CA, United StatesI love these apples! I just moved to Cali from WI and would get them from Ski Hi every year. Anyone know where I can get them in Cali???
- 10 Oct 2008 HENDERSONVILLE NC USA, United StatesI'm from Stockton on tees, England. The Russet apple was my favourite apple as a child I only wish I could find a supply here in NC
- 10 Oct 2008 BARNET, United KingdomI've just bought some ERs from Neal's Yard in Borough Market here in London. They are from Brogdale in Kent, which boasts the largest different type of fruit trees anywhere in the world. Quite simply, it is the finest apple I have ever eaten. On my desk, I have a Braeburn. An okay apple. But nowhere near as great as the Egremont and it's come 11,000 miles from NZ to get to my desk. What's the point when we have such brilliant homegrown apples on our doorstep? Ask the supermarkets.
- 06 Oct 2008 WEST SUSSEX, United KingdomI had my first egremont russet apple yesterday after buying half a dozen from my local farm shop (Tully's Farm). It was by far the best apple I've had a months - years even. Shame they're so little though. I plan to shun the supermarket in favour of sampling all the old British varieties available locally.
- 01 Oct 2008 SLOUGH, BERKSHIRE, United Kingdomrusset apples make a wonderfull apple crumble, when mixed with raisins soaked in pymms. add the pyms to the sliced apples and rasins, top with crumble, and serve with custard. Its to die for!
- 30 Sep 2008 BATH, United KingdomI have a Russet tree (not sure which type), amongst other apple trees. All summer, the Russet tree has been attracting hornets - lots of them! They have been consistently feeding on the Russets and ignoring the other apple trees. I've been giving it a wide berth all summer... eek!
- 24 Sep 2008 United KingdomYou should also look out for St. Edmunds Russet. I find it has a finer flavour and more juicy.
- 20 Sep 2008 BUSHEY, HERTS, United KingdomI have a Russet tree which is full of apples.When do you pick them? The squirrels seem to enjoy them and I want to save some for later in the year.
- 03 Sep 2008 NORFOLK UK, United KingdomI have an amazing Russet tree in my garden which delivers superb fruit every year, not being an apple lover i was foolish enough to chuck bags of them last year. I had some friends over for a BBQ a few weeks ago and they all want a bag or 3 for themselves as i'm told they keep well over winter wrapped in newspaper. After reading the above comments i will be using them in salads and eating them with cheese....i am a new born apple lover. :)
- 02 Sep 2008 HAMPSHIRE, United KingdomCan this variety have bright green or green and red skin under the russet? I'm trying to identify my apple tree - the picture looks similar, the taste description is similar, but the skins of mine are all green or red. Thanks in advance.
- 23 Aug 2008 LEEDS, United Kingdomi have an egremont russet that i planted as a bare rooted 2 year old minarette in Jan 2007. It fruited poorly in its first season, which is to be expected, but it has failed to perform well this year, unlike my scrumptious, which is a heavy cropper
- 22 Aug 2008 HAYWARD, WI, United StatesSki-Hi Fruit Farms in Baraboo Wisconsin sell russet apples every fall. They are wonderful apples.
- 01 Aug 2008 GERALDTON, WEST, Australiadoes anyone know the right conditions to grow russet apples ? i just reckon they are the best apple but unfortunately no one has heard of them in aust. and they are unavailable to my knowledge.
- 30 Jun 2008 CHESHIRE ENGLAND, United Kingdomi have recently bought the racehorse,called dandygrey russett, is this a type of apple,can anyone help,thanks
- 15 May 2008 PHOENIX AZ, United StatesAre there any growers in the US?
- 14 May 2008 MELBOURNE, AustraliaLike my brother,steve, i enjoyed eating this very special apple when i was living in england some 30 years ago too. i wish i can buy this type of apple in melbourne. they are crispy and sweet.
- 21 Mar 2008 CALGARY,ALBERTA, CanadaRussets are definitely my favourite apple. As far as I know russets are only grown in Nova Scotia. A lot of varieties come from British Columbia but never a russet. I look forward to them when they arrive in the stores either before Christmas or just after.
- 07 Mar 2008 GERMANY (BAVARIA), GermanyI love the russet sort so much too. I bought 20pound (10kilogram) for only 10 Euro last week. It's a dealer who is coming with his big car through the village I live. I had plant one tree in my garden last year, hopefully these tree will grow very fast! ;o)
- 02 Mar 2008 MELBOURNE, Australia30 years ago when I was still a lad living in Stockton-on Tees Tyneside I used to eat heaps. I've never seen any since I came to Australia. In my opinion they are best varity of apples. Can anyone tell me whether Russets can be found in Victoria Australia ?
- 25 Feb 2008 FLORIDA, United StatesWhere can I buy russet apples
- 28 Jan 2008 WEST BROMWICH, ENGLAND, United KingdomI like several varieties of apple, but the odd russett in the winter months is always a refreshing change. However, can anyone explain why, after England had perfect apple growing weather in 2007 (sunny dry April followed by three months of mild wet weather) all varieties are selling at the high price of £1.48 per kilo, other than the marvelous Jonagold which is grown 6000 miles away at less than a third of the cost? It doesn't make sense.
- 10 Jan 2008 LONDON, United KingdomJust found that the co-operative supermarket in London, Archway is selling them at the moment. Lovely! :D :D :D
- 17 Dec 2007 NORTH BUCKS, United KingdomThis apple is my favourite. It excels. It just does not get the credit it deserves. Why? It's beyond me.
- 11 Dec 2007 OUTER HEBRIDES / NORTHERN , United KingdomThere was a Russet at the end of the garden where I grew up, and I learned to love its unique flavour and texture. I recently acquired a garden and house in Vesternorrland in Sweden, there are a couple of apple trees there, but the apples are an unexciting sort. I had in mind to graft diffferent varieties onto them, in order to harvest the kinds of apples I like. Would the Russet be suitable for that climate ( it gets below freezing about December and stays that way most days and nights until April, but in summer it can reach 28 Celcius and days last 24 hrs!). The other kinds I like are Blenham and Cox's Orange Pippin. They are very rarely available to buy in shops, and having them would be wonderful. I would need to graft them because being now 70, I do not have the time to wait years for my apple trees to fruit! How would I go about getting the sniips to graft? I agree with your description of their taste BTW. Thanks, Brian
- 30 Nov 2007 ONTARIO, CanadaI'm also a fan of Russet apples. What's really amazing, is that Russets can handle several frosts and still be in great shape on the tree after thawing out. I also find they keep very well. Definitely an amazing apple! Believe it or not, I live on Egremont Road!
- 26 Nov 2007 LONDON, United KingdomMy favourite apple too - perfect combination of sweet and tart, skin not too thick. Had the most gorgeous bag from orchard and farm shop up in West Norfolk ... but it's so hard to get hold of them in London. Such a shame!
- 22 Nov 2007 BIRMINGHAM, United KingdomI love Russet Apples, I eat one every day! Most of the people I work with have never heard of them before, so I like to tell them stories about how my family used to make pies out of them in the winter. I think you should go out and buy some if you havn't yet tried them. I'm their biggest fan!!!
- 13 Nov 2007 WEST LONDON, United KingdomThese apples are the best you can get! The skin tastes the same as the apple which has a mild but smooth and exotic flavour. The consistency is just right, neither hard nor soft.
- 11 Nov 2007 PORT HOPE, ON., CanadaI love Russets and I just bought half a peck today - you have to get them while you can because they do not keep. But I love the sweet nutty flavour and smell of a Russets when you bite into them. I also love the texture on the skin.
- 08 Nov 2007 MANCHESTER, United KingdomMy favourite apple! I think it's best eaten after it's been kept a while. Apples used to be stored to be enjoyed throughough the winter months, and I can see why. It's getting harder to find, but luckily I have a great greengrocer.
- 25 Oct 2007 NORTH ENGLAND, United KingdomWe have a tree in our garden and its fruit is enjoyed every year by ourselves, friends & Labradors.
- 03 Aug 2007 United KingdomRan across your article on Russets. It brought back memories from the late 1920's. We had a large Russet apple tree in the school yard (2 room) and in the fall we would bang the apples on the steps and bruise the devil out of them. Let them set for awhile and then suck the juice from them."
- 03 Aug 2007 United KingdomAbsolutely fantastic with chicory (endives) in a salad - I was introduced to this combination by a French friend.
Tree register
- United States25
- United Kingdom148
- Denmark 2
- France 2
- Germany 2
- Ireland4
- Netherlands 1
- Australia8
- New Zealand6
- Switzerland1
United States
- Albany Appleguy in Castleton, NY
- Brian Van Erem in Green Bay, WI
- Chadwick Little in Marion, IA
- Florian Deisenhofer in Brush Prairie, CLARK COUNTY WA
- Glenn Grossman in Vancouver, WASHINGTON
- Herbert in Sinclairville, NY / CHAUTAUQUA
- Joel Howie in Canton, NEW YORK
- Joy Elvin in PORTSMOUTH, RI
- Juan Casero in PALM BAY, FLORIDA
- Karl Schmidt in Estelline, SD
- Lisa Hall in Dahlonega, GEORGIA
- Michael Jindrich in ELIZABETHTOWN, KY
- Mike Prohaska in Lansing, MICHIGAN
- Nathan Parker in Mount Shasta, CA
- Noah McVay in Spring Green, WISCONSIN
- Owen Witesman in SPRINGVILLE, UT
- Rachel Persing in Shoreline, WASHINGTON
- Ricky Bruckner in Ravenna, OHIO (OH)
- Robert Smith in Boulder, CO
- Ryan in Poway, CALIFORNIA
- Ryan Grover in Vineyard, UTAH
- Terry Graham in Tumwater, WA
- Toby Dean in Ithaca, NY
- Trevor Roth in Erhard, MINNESOTA
United Kingdom
- Reach Community Orchard in Cambridge,
- Reach Community Orchard in Cambridge,
- Alan Elsbury in Chippenham, WILTSHIRE
- Alex in Scourie, SUTHERLAND
- Alice Jones in
- Alison Cooke in Lincoln, LINCOLNSHIRE
- Amanda in London,
- Andrew Colchester in Bures, SUFFOLK, UK
- Andrew Freeth in TAVISTOCK, DEVON
- Andrew Shields in Alnwick, NORTHUMBERLAND
- Andrew Shields in Alnwick, NORTHUMBERLAND
- Anne Thomas in Liverpool, MERSEYSIDE
- Anthony Payne in Bath,
- Bill Barker And Sharon Cherry in LEICESTERSHIRE
- Bob Horne in York, NORTH YORKSHIRE
- Caroline Ward in Manchester, LANCASHIRE
- Celia Cropper in Manchester, LANCASHIRE
- Chris Brewer in Oxford, OXON
- Chris Errington in Gateshead, TYNE AND WEAR
- Chris Wiseman in Looe, CORNWALL
- Clifford Cain in Doncaster, SOUTH YORKSHIRE
- Colin Bowen in
- Colin Taylor in OXFORD,
- Colindun in Cromarty, ROSS & CROMARTY
- Craig Bridge in Lincoln, LINCOLNSHIRE
- David Hamilton in Kilham, EAST YORKSHIRE
- David Harmston in Sleaford, LINCS
- David Haynes in Catterall, LANCASHIRE
- David Hill in Braintree, ESSEX
- David Lonsdale in Shipdham, NORFOLK
- David Rowe in KIRKWALL, ORKNEY
- David Scarle in NOTTINGHAM,
- David Scholes in Saddleworth,
- Deborah Kaufmann in Ashton Under Lyne,
- Deborah Kaufmann in Ashton Under Lyne,
- Dominic in Wednesbury,
- Dougas Wilson in Perth,
- Elaine Anderson in COLCHESTER, ESSEX
- Elizabeth Hodge in Evesham, WORCESTERSHIRE
- Gary Churchman in Luton, BEDFORDSHIRE
- Geoff Jones in TRURO, CORNWALL
- Geoffrey Brown in Grundisburgh, SUFFOLK
- Graham Hinchliffe in Eastbourne, EAST SUSSEX
- Graham Tibble in Southampton, HAMPSHIRE
- Graham Tibble in Southampton, HAMPSHIRE
- Graham Tibble in Southampton, HAMPSHIRE
- Helena Twigg in Romsey, HAMPSHIRE
- Henryc in Andover, HAMPSHIRE
- Howard Green in Whitby, NORTH YORKSHIRE
- Ian in Sittingbourne, KENT
- Ivor Kiverstein in Pulborough, WEST SUSSEX
- James in Melbourne, DERBYSHIRE
- Janet in St Austell, CORNWALL
- Janet Brown in Carnoustie, ANGUS
- Jean Lippett in Martock, SOMERSET
- Jeremy in Croxley Green, HERTS
- Joan Leggett in Pitlochry, PERTHSHIRE
- Joanna Baron in Bristol, SOMERSET
- John Dench in Etchingham, EAST SUSSEX
- John Dench in Etchingham, EAST SUSSEX
- John Ellis in Salisbury, WILTSHIRE
- John Morris in Sheffield, SOUTH YORKSHIRE
- John Mullen in Kilmarnock, AYRSHIRE
- John p in Heathfield, EAST SUSSEX
- John Sedgwick in Cockermouth, CUMBRIA
- Joy Lucas in Saddleworth, LANCASHIRE
- Julia Lindsey in Durham, DURHAM
- Julie Darnell in Bromley, KENT
- Keith Clarke in Tenby, WALES
- Keith Fell in Lincoln, LINCOLNSHIRE
- Keith Hannah in Alloa, CLACKMANNANSHIRE
- Kerie Wallace (Mr) in Southampton, HAMPSHIRE
- Kevin Barry in Kilwinning, AYRSHIRE
- Kevinincornwall in Liskeard, UNITED KINGDOM
- Kirsten Edwards in WAKEFIELD, COUNTY
- Laura in Abingdon, OXFORDSHIRE
- Leah in Southampton, HAMPSHIRE
- Linda Semple in West Kilbride, NORTH AYRSHIRE
- Malcolm Whitmore in Loughborough, LEICS
- Margaret Brooker in Ellerker, EAST YORKSHIRE
- Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- Mark Beverley in Berwick Bassett, WILTSHIRE
- Mark Sheard in Leyburn, NORTH YORKS
- Martin A Smith in Petersfield, HAMPSHIRE
- Matt Brown in Chester, CHESHIRE
- Matthew Pennington in Bristol, NORTH SOMERSET
- Michael Adams in Halifax, WEST YORKSHIRE
- Michael Adams in Halifax, WEST YORKSHIRE
- Michael Stimson in Nottingham, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE
- Mike Pearson in Liverpool, MERSEYSIDE
- Mike Wicken in Camberley, COUNTY (OPTIONAL)
- N. Buck in Cambridge, CAMBRIDGESHIRE
- N. Buck in Cambridge, CAMBRIDGESHIRE
- Nick in Clynderwyn, WALES
- Nickkk in Oldham, LANCASHIRE
- Nigel in Ryton Dorrington Shrewsbury, SHROPSHIRE
- nigel@purchon.com in Shepton Mallet, SOMERSET
- Nish Pfister in Chulmleigh, DEVON
- Paul Haines in Llandyfriog, Newcastle Emlyn, CEREDIGION
- Paul Haines in Llandyfriog, Newcastle Emlyn, CEREDIGION
- Paul Magnall in Leeds, WEST YORKSHIRE
- Paul Mckean in Southport, MERSEYSIDE
- Paul Nelson in Preston, LANCASHIRE
- Pete High in Cumbria
- Pete Keeley in BEDFORD,
- Pete Lucas in Burbage, WILTSHIRE
- Peter Selby in Swadlincote, DERBYSHIRE
- Phil in Stoke-On-Trent, STAFFS
- Pozzouk in Havant, HAMPSHIRE
- Rachel in Downham Market, NORFOLK
- Richard Borrie in York, YORKSHIRE
- Richard Hart in Norwich, NORFOLK
- Rob Alcock in Brentford, MIDDX
- Robert Kerr in South Shields, TYNE AND WEAR
- Simon in Canterbury, KENT
- Simon Wilkins in Bradford, WEST YORKSHIRE
- Steffan Ap Breian in Casnewydd, TORFAEN
- Stephanie in Roade, NORTHANTS
- Stephen Horsfall in Hemel Hempstead, HERTS,
- Stuart Logan in Newbury, BERKSHIRE
- Sue Fawcett in Pocklington, York, YORKSHIRE
- Suzanne Goss in Hailsham, EAST SUSSEX
- Terry Smith in Huntingford, DORSET
- Tim Hucker in London,
- Tony Cuthbert in Wolverhampton, WEST MIDLANDS
- Tv15 in Basingstoke,
- Tv15 in Basingstoke,
- Twittykins in Hucknall, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE
- Victoria Birkett in Aberdeen, SCOTLAND
- Vincent Bentley in Montgomery, POWYS
- Wayne Seagate in Kings Lynn, NORFOLK
- Wendy in Hale, CHESHIRE
- Hanne Olsen in Kgs. Lyngby,
- Johnny Olsen in Vejle,
- B. M. in Cologne, GERMANY
- Nick Baile in Bruehl,
- Lars Christoffersen in TRIM,
- Patsy Connolly in Galway, IRELAND
- Simon Clarke in Duleek, COUNTY MEATH
- Ute Bohnsack in Kilfenora, CLARE
- Liz Waters in Amsterdam,
- Angela Stephens in Beloka, NEW SOUTH WALES
- Fletcher Farrington in Warragul, VICTORIA
- Hayden in Winslow, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA
- Neville in Tea Tree Gully, SA
- Patrick Deasey in Brunswick, VIC
- Stephen Boardman in Acton Park, TAS
- Stephen Boardman in Acton Park, TAS
- Stephen Quah in Melbourne, VICTORIA
New Zealand
- Alex Macmillan in Dunedin, OTAGO
- Graham Leach in Gore,
- Robert Mcbride in TAPANUI, OTAGO
- Stewart and Joanna in Southbridge, CANTERBURY
- Trevor Courtney in Eryewell, CANTERBURY
- Helmut Mueller in Neukirch, THURGAU
Spring blossom records for this variety
2022 season
- 17th April 2022 - tree owned by B. in Cologne, Germany
2020 season
- 19th April 2020 - tree owned by Eric in Bristol, United Kingdom
2018 season
- 10th May 2018 - tree owned by Paul in Preston, United Kingdom
- 3rd May 2018 - tree owned by Bill in , United Kingdom
- 29th April 2018 - tree owned by Paul in Southport, United Kingdom
2017 season
- May 2017 - tree owned by Andrew in Alnwick, United Kingdom
- 27th April 2017 - tree owned by Bill in , United Kingdom
- 25th April 2017 - tree owned by Eric in Bristol, United Kingdom
2016 season
- 12th May 2016 - tree owned by Eric in Bristol, United Kingdom
- 11th May 2016 - tree owned by Bill in , United Kingdom
- 9th May 2016 - tree owned by Paul in Southport, United Kingdom
- May 2016 - tree owned by Colindun in Cromarty, United Kingdom
2015 season
- 5th May 2015 - tree owned by Paul in Southport, United Kingdom
- 3rd May 2015 - tree owned by Bill in , United Kingdom
- 1st May 2015 - tree owned by Michael in Halifax, United Kingdom
- 1st May 2015 - tree owned by Michael in Halifax, United Kingdom
- 1st May 2015 - tree owned by Stephen in Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom
- 20th April 2015 - tree owned by Chris in Gateshead, United Kingdom
2014 season
- 12th May 2014 - tree owned by Mark in Leyburn, United Kingdom
- 10th May 2014 - tree owned by Eric in Bristol, United Kingdom
- 4th May 2014 - tree owned by Michael in Halifax, United Kingdom
- 4th May 2014 - tree owned by Michael in Halifax, United Kingdom
- 30th April 2014 - tree owned by Hanne in Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- 28th April 2014 - tree owned by Helena in Romsey, United Kingdom
- 27th April 2014 - tree owned by Bill in , United Kingdom
2013 season
- 22nd May 2013 - tree owned by Eric in Bristol, United Kingdom
- 21st May 2013 - tree owned by Celia in Manchester, United Kingdom
- 18th May 2013 - tree owned by David in Sleaford, United Kingdom
- 14th May 2013 - tree owned by Paul in Southport, United Kingdom
- 14th May 2013 - tree owned by Richard in York, United Kingdom
- 14th May 2013 - tree owned by Kevin in Kilwinning, United Kingdom
- 13th May 2013 - tree owned by Jean in Martock, United Kingdom
- 13th May 2013 - tree owned by Bill in , United Kingdom
- 5th May 2013 - tree owned by Chris in Oxford, United Kingdom
- 26th April 2013 - tree owned by Florian in Brush Prairie, United States
- 26th April 2013 - tree owned by Rachel in Shoreline, United States
2012 season
- 15th May 2012 - tree owned by Nickkk in Oldham, United Kingdom
- 10th May 2012 - tree owned by Eric in Bristol, United Kingdom
- 6th May 2012 - tree owned by Florian in Brush Prairie, United States
- May 2012 - tree owned by Caroline in Manchester, United Kingdom
- 23rd April 2012 - tree owned by Rachel in Shoreline, United States
- 22nd April 2012 - tree owned by Keith in Lincoln, United Kingdom
2011 season
- 7th May 2011 - tree owned by Robert in South Shields, United Kingdom
- 3rd May 2011 - tree owned by Hanne in Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- May 2011 - tree owned by Rachel in Shoreline, United States
- 25th April 2011 - tree owned by Malcolm in Loughborough, United Kingdom
- 20th April 2011 - tree owned by David in Sleaford, United Kingdom
- 17th April 2011 - tree owned by Richard in York, United Kingdom
- 13th April 2011 - tree owned by James in Melbourne, United Kingdom
- 11th April 2011 - tree owned by David in Kilham, United Kingdom
- April 2011 - tree owned by Michael in Nottingham, United Kingdom
2010 season
- 16th October 2010 - tree owned by Stephen in Melbourne, Australia
- 7th May 2010 - tree owned by N. in Cambridge, United Kingdom
- 2nd May 2010 - tree owned by Robert in South Shields, United Kingdom
- 30th April 2010 - tree owned by Stuart in Newbury, United Kingdom
- 29th April 2010 - tree owned by Elizabeth in Evesham, United Kingdom
- 28th April 2010 - tree owned by N. in Cambridge, United Kingdom
- 27th April 2010 - tree owned by Joanna in Bristol, United Kingdom
2009 season
- 11th May 2009 - tree owned by John in Sheffield, United Kingdom
- 30th April 2009 - tree owned by N. in Cambridge, United Kingdom
- 18th April 2009 - tree owned by Pozzouk in Havant, United Kingdom
- 18th April 2009 - tree owned by N. in Cambridge, United Kingdom
- April 2009 - tree owned by Malcolm in Loughborough, United Kingdom
Record your blossom dates in our Fruit Tree Register - more >>.
Harvest records for this variety
2022 season
- 1st week August 2022 - tree owned by Lisa in Dahlonega, United States
- 1st week August 2022 - tree owned by Lisa in Dahlonega, United States
2017 season
- October 2017 - tree owned by Andrew in Alnwick, United Kingdom
- 3rd week September 2017 - tree owned by Bill in , United Kingdom
2016 season
- 3rd week October 2016 - tree owned by Colindun in Cromarty, United Kingdom
- 3rd week October 2016 - tree owned by Nigel in Ryton Dorrington Shrewsbury, United Kingdom
- 1st week October 2016 - tree owned by Bill in , United Kingdom
- 4th week March 2016 - tree owned by Alex in Dunedin, New Zealand
- 3rd week March 2016 - tree owned by Patrick in Brunswick, Australia
2015 season
- 1st week October 2015 - tree owned by Bill in , United Kingdom
2014 season
- 3rd week September 2014 - tree owned by Bill in , United Kingdom
2013 season
- 1st week October 2013 - tree owned by Bill in , United Kingdom
2012 season
- 1st week October 2012 - tree owned by Simon in Canterbury, United Kingdom
- October 2012 - tree owned by Julia in Durham, United Kingdom
2011 season
- 2nd week October 2011 - tree owned by Suzanne in Hailsham, United Kingdom
- 1st week October 2011 - tree owned by Colin in , United Kingdom
- October 2011 - tree owned by Rachel in Shoreline, United States
- 4th week September 2011 - tree owned by Robert in South Shields, United Kingdom
- 4th week September 2011 - tree owned by Simon in Canterbury, United Kingdom
- 2nd week September 2011 - tree owned by David in Kilham, United Kingdom
2010 season
- 2nd week October 2010 - tree owned by Chris in Looe, United Kingdom
- 3rd week September 2010 - tree owned by Robert in South Shields, United Kingdom
2009 season
- 3rd week October 2009 - tree owned by Chris in Looe, United Kingdom
- 1st week October 2009 - tree owned by Pozzouk in Havant, United Kingdom
- October 2009 - tree owned by Malcolm in Loughborough, United Kingdom
- October 2009 - tree owned by N. in Cambridge, United Kingdom
- 3rd week September 2009 - tree owned by Richard in York, United Kingdom
- 3rd week September 2009 - tree owned by Keith in Lincoln, United Kingdom
- 2nd week September 2009 - tree owned by John in Sheffield, United Kingdom
- Species: Malus domestica - Apple
- Parentage: Unknown
- Originates from: England, United Kingdom
- Introduced: 1872
- Developed by: Possibly the estate of Lord Petworth in Sussex
- UK National Fruit Collection accession: 1979-159
- Awards: RHS AGM (current)
- Country of origin: United Kingdom
- Period of origin: 1850 - 1899
- Fruit colour: Russet
- Flower colour: White
- Leaf colour: Green
- Popularity: Best sellers
- Annual cycle: Deciduous
- Picking season: Late
- Keeping (of fruit): 1-2 months
- Flavour quality: Good
- Flavour style (apples): Sweeter
- Discoloration of fruit: Oxidising
- Vitamin C content: Low
- Cropping: Good
- Fruit persistence: Normal ripening
- Food uses: Eating fresh
- Picking period: late September
- Wildlife: RHS Plants for Pollinators
- Gardening skill: Beginner
- Flowering group: 2
- Pollinating others: Average
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Vigour: Average vigour
- Bearing regularity: Regular
- Fruit bearing: Free-spurring
- Organic culture: Suitable
- Attractive features: Attractive fruit
- Self-fertility: Partially self-fertile
- Cold hardiness (USDA): Zone 4 (-34C)
- Climate suitability: Temperate climates
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Cool ( 20-24C / 68-75F)
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Warm (25-30C / 76-85F)
- Cold hardiness (RHS): H6 (to -20C)
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Cold (< 20C / 67F)
Other qualities
- Disease resistance: Average
- Scab (Apple and Pear): Very resistant
- Bitter pit: Some susceptibility
- Fire blight: Some susceptibility
Where to buy trees
The following tree nurseries offer Egremont Russet apple trees for sale:
- Orange Pippin Fruit Trees (USA) United States
Egremont Russet apple trees - Orange Pippin Fruit Trees (UK) United Kingdom
Egremont Russet apple trees - Cummins Nursery
United States More >>
Where to buy fresh fruit
The following orchards grow Egremont Russet:
United States
- Tiny Orchards, Saco
- Alber's Orchard & Cider Mill, Manchester
New York
- Albany Apple Guy:Purveyor of Rare & Exotic Apples, Castleton
- Black Diamond Farm, Trumansburg
- Cattleana Ranch, Poygan Township/Omro
United Kingdom
England - midlands
- Meynell Langley Trials Gardens, Derby
- The Vyne, Basingstoke
- Walsgrove Farm, Worcester
England - north
- Lockwood Hey Orchard, Saddleworth
England - south-east
- Kimpton Manor Apple Press, Andover
- Merton Green Walk, Wimbledon
- Maynard House Orchards, Bradfield St Clare
England - south-west
- Trevalon Organic Cooperative, Liskeard
- Charlton Orchards, Taunton
- West Bradley Orchards, Glastonbury
- A'Beckett's, Devizes
British Columbia
- Salt Spring Apple Company, Salt Spring Island
- Starry Night Meadows Farm, Mayne Island
- Heritage Fruits Society, Fairfield
- Apples of England (1948)
Author: Taylor - Fruit Expert
Author: Hessayon - Some Antique Apples for Modern Orchards, (2008)
Author: Merwin I.A.