Perhaps the most instantly recognisable of all apple varieties and one of the most widely known, Granny Smith is also one of Australia's most famous exports.
Granny Smith pre-dates the modern approach to apple development and marketing. Like all the best old varieties it has a bizarre history, being discovered in Austrialia in the 1860s as a seedling growing in the remains of a rubbish tip. The true parentage is still unknown but is possibly French Crab. The discoverer - a Mrs Maria Smith (sometimes referred to as Mary Smith but see note below) - found that the apple was versatile for cooking and eating, and was involved in spreading its popularity. In an inspired piece of marketing she called the new apple Granny Smith. By the 1960s Granny Smith was practically syonymous with 'apple' and the variety was used by the Beatles as the logo for their company 'Apple Records'.
Granny Smith was one of the original staple supermarket varieties, and one of the first international varieties, a role for which it was well suited. The tough skin and amazing keeping qualities meant it could easily be shipped around the world. It requires a warm climate to ripen properly, and performs well in the main apple-growing regions of the southern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere it is grown in France and the warmer zones of North America. The trademark apple-green skin requires warm days and nights - we have seen Granny Smiths grown at a relatively high altitude in central France which develop a blush because of the cold night temperatures towards the end of the growing season.
There is only one word to describe the flavour of Granny Smith: acidic. It is an uncompromising crisp hard apple with a very sharp taste. However, served slightly chilled it can also be very refreshing, and works well in salads. The flavor sweetens in storage. Nevertheless, its share of the international market is on the decline, with supermarkets preferring to sell bi-coloured varieties with a sweeter flavour.
Update: Granny Smiths in Central California, from Axel in Santa Cruz
Here in coastal Central California apples can remain on the tree well into February. Our nights get quite cool, mid 30's to mid 40's, but we rarely experience freezing temperatures. Daytimes are usually in the 50's to low 60's. In that climate, Granny Smiths go from being green to turning completely yellow and looking almost like Golden Delicious. What is more significant is how the fruit tastes. The acidity definitely mellows significantly, and it then takes on an amazing balanced flavor. I can't imagine anyone ever selecting such an apple and promoting it unless they got to taste it in this form, because when it's fully ripe, it's simply one of the best, crunchiest, most balanced table apple I've eaten.
We have several apples growing in this area that are very late ripening, e.g. January and February. Lady Williams, Pink Lady, Hoover, Hauer pippin and Granny Smith all come to mind. These are all essentially inedible in November, and don't become tasty until January, Some will also mellow on the tree, but the BRIX goes way up if left on the tree. Of course, in our climate, some apple trees retain their leaves all the way into January. I have one tree called 'Sweet Valentine' named for the fact that the fruit ripens on valentine's day. It was discovered locally as a rootstock seedling shoot in an abandoned orchard.
It is said that the best apples are the ones that ripen when the leaves begin to turn and fall off. The theory has it that the nutrients that went to the leaves go to to the apples. I've tasted Fujis left on the tree, and they develop an incredibly sweet water core, almost like eating pure honey - too sweet for my taste, but it is a fun experience.
For us, since our apples grow into January, it makes the late apples the best quality apples we can grow. Unfortunately, no one in commercial apple growing cares, because the entire fruit growing industry is bent on only one thing: getting the first fruit to market to get the highest possible price. The end result is that a lot of these amazing late varieties are simply forgotten, or they don't let them ripen properly, as is the case with the granny smith.
Further insight into the origins of Granny Smith from Steve Goard of Sydney, Australia
Granny Smith is my great,great,great,great,grandmother, and her name was not Mary! Her name was Maria Ann Smith, nee Sherwood, (pronounced the same way as diva Mariah Carey), 1800-1870, married to Thomas Smith, 1797-1876. The orchard was located in Eastwood, now in the City of Ryde, Sydney. It is most probable that 'French Crab' apples were from wooden crates purchased at the Sydney Markets, after selling her produce, to facilitate transporting the next crop of fruit from her orchard (and I would say it was more likely the 'compost' heap rather than 'rubbish tip'!). Technically it is called a 'sport' which means a reproducing hybrid; the original term dates back to the time of Jane Austen. And 'YES' they are my favorite apples!!!
Granny Smith parentage - update
We have now had the opportunity to study a French Crab apple tree at the UK National Fruit Collections (thanks to FAST for faciliating this). The similarity with Granny Smith is quite striking - not just that distinctive green color but also the way the fruits seem to be hidden within the depths of the tree canopy. We can't comment on the exact relationship, but it seems clear it is very close.
Granny Smith apple identification images
All images copyright Orange Pippin unless otherwise stated.
USDA identification images for Granny Smith
The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.
Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Parents and other ancestors of this variety
- French Crab (parent)
Offspring of this variety
- Lady Williams - Probable parent of Lady Williams
Visitor reviews
- 20 Jan 2024I look forward to seeing French and Italian grannies in the supermarket as they are superior to what is exported from south of the equator. By far the best tasting grannies come from Spain; almost the size of grapefruits, juicy and tangy. However, you will only get to eat one if visiting Spain as I have never seen one exported.
- 14 Nov 2023I’ve recently acquired two Granny Smith apple trees , one was given to me as a gift by an acquaintance who was moving ( he was also given it and he didn’t know its variety) and the other bought cheap in a garden centre and was also an unknown as the label had been lost. Finally as summer moved into autumn I was able to recognise them as Granny Smiths, after thinning the fruits I left 2 on each tree and boy did they turn out to be beauties, big, green, juicy with a lovely bitter sweet flavour that’s a million miles from the acidic shop bought apples. They do need maximum sun and to be left on the tree well into autumn though to get the best flavour, especially here in the uk. Both trees will be planted and trained as espaliers this winter.
- 23 Mar 2023I believe that along with the loss of basic cooking skills has been the loss of what to my generation was the go to desert, the baked apple with its many additions, brown sugar, cloves, cinnamon anything you had spare basically even adding custard, even as I type I have two large smiths sitting in my veg rack ready for the oven
- 01 Mar 2019 CA, United StatesThank you for this article! I always see granny smiths in stores, and the acidness and sweetness of it makes my mouth water. It is one of my favorite apples.
- 14 Dec 2018 Eclimeux, FranceJe la cultive au nord de la France greffée sur M106, arbre très vigoureux de type 4 de fructification, avec un feuillage vert foncé, arbre qui mit un certains temps avant de produire mais qui maintenant produit de façon régulière et avec une quantité et qualité irréprochable! Très peu de tavelure (soit disant son point faible). L'arbre ne bénéficie pourtant pas des meilleures expositions (nord ouest) mais cela lui permet de mûrir jusqu'à la perte des feuilles. je la récolte en deux fois au premier gelée novembre et à la chute complète des feuilles en décembre. j'attends que celle ci devienne cireuse et odorante avant de la consommer! Cette année fut marquée par un été exceptionnelle et les pommes exposées ont pris de jolies couleurs rosées et elles sont gorgées de sucre! variété qui bénéficie d'une mauvaise réputation avec l'usage industrielle qui en fait mais que je ne peux que recommander en pomme de garde pour le Nord de Paris!
- 31 Aug 2016 WNC, United StatesThis is a great Apple; I like them best in pies, especially Apple Betty pies. they are a little tart so if using them for sauce, I always needed to add sweetener. I like to peel and dice them and then dip them in lemon juice and freeze them, then all set for making pies!
- 29 Feb 2016 OREGON, United StatesOn its own, the Granny Smith seems somewhere between a green grape and a tart lemonade to me. If the tartness bothers you, this is an amazing apple to bake into a pie, and can be added to green smoothies to add some dimension to the flavor.
- 14 Jan 2016 CA, United StatesI have been purchasing this Apple variety on and off for years, but I have to say I have a whole new enthusiasm for it since my tree has begun to bear and I am attempting to store apples over the winter. I have rigged up a frost free freezer with an external thermostat set at 32 degrees so as not to dry the apples out. Out of five varieties four months into storage this year the Granny Smiths are the flavor and texture champions by far. I am coming to the conclusion that the more strongly flavored an Apple is going into storage the better it will come out months later.
- 08 Mar 2015 WI - WISCONSIN, United StatesI have been using Granny Smith in my cooking, there might be one or two that fall into my basket. I would use Cortlands but everyone sells out with in a few weeks. I like to put the two together with maybe one or two other types.
- 09 Jan 2015 IOWA, United StatesGranny Smith is my favorite apple. I've tried many varieties, and I still call it my favorite. Some people don't like the acidity, but I do. When the rest of the supermarket apples have lost their flavor in the spring, Granny Smith still tastes good to me.
- 12 Sep 2014 United KingdomA rather "simple" tart flavour. Little aroma. Waxy shiny skin that is hard to chew. Better than the dreaded golden delicious but hardly very exciting.
- 15 May 2014 DE, United StatesUsed to be very tart, lemony and delicious. Now, they tend to be dry and bitter. Something happened in the cultivating of this apple and it's a shame, going the way of the Red Delicious which bred all the flavour away from the apple.
- 20 Mar 2014 MARYLAND, United StatesFrom the very beginning Granny Smith was destined for greatness. It has everything a great apple needs in order to be a commercial success. The fruit is wicked pretty with a glossy blemish free bright green skin and a nice consistent shape. The fruit keeps well, which allows it to be shipped long distances. The flesh is dense enough to hold up well to cooking yet isn't so hard it can't be eaten out of hand. Then there is the memorable name, which brings to mind beloved Grandmothers and their delicious apple pies. It also has a unique and unmistakeable flavor. Now whether or not you like that flavor depends on whether you like tart fruits because the Granny Smith apple is very tart indeed. I happen to like the flavor, especially when peeled and the flesh sliced into wedges. Great by itself, even better with cheese, and fantastic over a salad. As a cooking apple Granny is hard to beat. The biggest mistake many bakers make with their apple pies is adding too much sugar: i.e. their pies are so sweet it overpowers the apple flavor. Not so with Granny at your side. The only culinary apple I like better than GS is the Jonathan and the two work together beautifully. Granny is also self-fertile so you won't need a pollinator if space is of concern. She does best in warm regions. Recently I read a glowing report of her in the coastal region of the Pacific Northwest. All in all a great apple. I think the reason for some of the poor tasting reviews here on this site is because commercial growers are harvesting the fruit too soon and storing it too long in serial locations as it passes through various middlemen on its way to grocery store produce bins. Last but not least some folks think Granny Smith is a modern variety. No it isn't. It actually dates back to 1868.
- 10 Jan 2014 CA, United StatesHugely overrated apple, in my opinion, *unless* you can get the rare, late harvest variety, which is lovely. It has a yellow tinge, and is sweeter. Why people want to eat unripe Granny Smiths is a mystery to me. The flash is very dense. The skin is very thick. Very tart with a little sweetness. Not a very bad eating apple.
- 16 Sep 2013 OHIO, United StatesThis apple overated along with Red Delicious. Why these 2 are big sellers is a mystery to me.
- 14 May 2013 CA, United StatesGranny Smith apples are my second favorite (greening being my first) and makes the best applesauce ever. My tree produced for the first time last year (at 2 years) and I harvested in mid November. To my surprise my apples were not bright green but rather yellow-green with red blush striping . I'm thinking it's not a GS tree after all. The flavor was mildly sweet and the texture had a delicate crunch. Not a bad apple just not what I was expecting. I will have another heavy crop (for it's size and age) 20-30 apples again this year so I will see if they change. I'm wondering if it's because I let them fully ripen on the tree or if it's because I didn't pick them until after the weather got cold and it rained. Or if it's just because it's a young tree. They were green earlier in the season. Any info would be great thanks.
- 26 Jul 2012 WREXHAM COUNTY BOROUGH, United KingdomI started using granny Smiths apples when I started juicing. They are firm and not too sweet which makes them for me the perfect apple to juice with carrots and other vegetables.
- 05 Mar 2012 BRISTOL, United KingdomI've heard that Granny Smiths are not that reliable in England - anyone know a good alternative? My daughter loves them, she won't touch a sweeter apple. Given the choice of what we currently have in the garden, she would prefer a Bramley to a Sunset, James Grieve or Russet. Though I'd put in another variety and recommendations for something crisp, juicy, green and quite sharp would be appreciated. Cath
- 15 Feb 2012 GEORGIA, United StatesMy favorite apple! Crisp, tart, and a beautiful shade of green. I had my first in K-5 many many years ago. It has been my favorite ever since.
- 12 Jan 2012 ILLINOIS, United StatesThe tartness of this apple is what makes it so attractive; when you combine that with the attractive bright-green skin, the sharp crunch! of that first bight, and the roughness of the apple's exterior, you can see the enduring popularity of the world's premier 'Green Sour Apple'.
- 03 Jul 2011 SURREY, United KingdomThe archetypal 'green' apple; tart, crisp and juicy. Since they are grown widely in both the northern and southern hemispheres, they are available year-round and are usually fairly cheap (and they are a popular variety for 'value bags', in which case they are *very* cheap).
- 26 Jan 2010 United StatesI, too have found that the apples I buy whether organic or regular have now developed a tendency to turn brown and blothcy on the skin when they are otherwise just fine. I also would like to know why - but so far have seen nothing about it except on this fiorm above. At first I thought it was becasue I bought them out of season and they were stored, but during this last season they continued to turn brown. It is rather offputting considering that in years past this was NEVER a problem. Any ideas???
- 20 Oct 2009 IRELAND, IrelandMy first apple love. I still eat them from time to time.
- 04 Sep 2009 KNYSNA, WESTERN CAPE, South AfricaI have always loved apples, Granny Smith being my favourite. However, over the last 15-20 years our GS apples have been tasteless. Not the tart, crisp taste that I remember. Nowadays I'm still attracted to them and and buy some in the hope that I'll find the proper taste, but unfortunately I think it's gone forever, and I wonder about the nutritional value too. Most of the apples I buy these days just end up being thrown away, just not worth eating. Is this something to do with a new method of storage
- 24 Jul 2009 MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, United StatesI have been working in produce departments in the Milwaukee area for almost twelve years. I started out working in conventional grocery stores and am now at Outpost Natural Foods Cooperative. I've been having a problem with Organic Granny Smith apples, from Washington, New Zealand, and sometimes from South America. When the apple season is over, just about all the apples we get are from storage somewhere. The problem... The Granny Smiths are turning brown mostly in blotches, but just on the skins, the flesh on the inside is perfectly fine. So trying to sell these apples to customers who mostly buy produce by looks alone is a chore. Our backstock is stored in a normal cooler, and our display on the sales floor is unrefridgerated. Does anybody know why the skins are turning brown, and if there is something I can do to prevent it? I haven't been able to find any information about this anywhere. Any help would be appreciated.
- 27 May 2009 NC, United StatesI have always loved and craved Granny Smith apples. Combined Granny Smith & Red Delicious apple slices, drenched in lemon juice, makes a wonderful snack any time. The lemon juice keeps the apple slices from turning brown and adds flavor to each that is so refreshing. They are a good source of energy, too!
- 14 May 2009 GA,USA, United Kingdomget the granny smith cold, slice it, sprinkle with salt... :-D while i have no interest in arguing the point, i think pink ladies are blah, almost like... eating perfume?... apples are cool, i never think about how many varieties there are and how different they are, but i've had lots of different apples and many of them considerably different.
- 04 Dec 2008 LONDON, United KingdomHaving sampled many an apple culvitar I can testify quite unequivocally that the Granny Smith is by far and away the most satisfying of all varieties. The aforementioned transition from the dark green astringent commercial Granny Smith (ubiquitous in virtually every supermarket) to the lesser known yellow-tinted later crop enjoyed by apple aficionados worldwide is an attribute that truly elevates this humble fruit to the upper echilons of the tree!
- 28 Oct 2008 BLOUNTVILLE TENNESSEE SULLIVAN CO., United StatesEric!, I agree with you 100%, and more ,may G.S. Apples be around forever!. I live in East Tennessee, in a Condo Complex by a lake . we have plenty of green grass, common grounds, not in the city etc. about 12 yrs ago an ol man planted 35 G S th's trees, put a black rubber guard around them , and let them do what they would do.. The gent passed away, but his Apples are here, growing and this year super fantanstic!, no chemicles, no fertilizer, no tending, no spraying, nothing!, yet, my wife and I have picked bushels of apples , starting in August, now in October, now having a blush red on the skin, and more crisp, jucy, and less tart, but still twangy. peeled, pies, dried, frozen ... da, ta da.... they are the very best we have ever had. I go to the grocery see thier apples, and notice the prices, and smile, I'm the cat that got the cream!, ol al
- 25 Oct 2008 VICTORIA/AUSTRALIA, AustraliaDon't knock the Granny until you have tasted it yellow as Axel explained, I pick mine when there are no leaves left on the tree. I live in a commerical apple district and Granny Smiths do not ripen correctly until 3 months after the commercial crop has been picked. At this point they are one of the very best apples
- 10 Oct 2008 ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS, United StatesYes, it's tart, but in an endless sea of sweet apples it makes for a wonderful change of pace! It has just enough sugar to make the apple interesting, and when sliced the flesh takes quite a while to brown, so it's a wonderful apple to serve sliced, on a platter with cheeses. I like Granny Smith very much!
- 18 Sep 2008 TEXAS, United StatesI was munching on one of these apples the other day and then realized how much better pink ladies are! If I had the opportunity I would eliminate all granny smith apples and the pink lady apples can reign supreme!
- 16 Sep 2008 SKEGNESS, United KingdomDon't trust this man!
- 16 Sep 2008 New ZealandI'm surprised at the astonishment about Granny Smith apples. They are my favourite and have been since childhood over 40 years ago. They are a staple here and although many people are starting to favour the sweeter varieties, I personally can't think of a better or more versatile variety. May they continue to be around for a long time.
- 07 Sep 2008 SCOTTSBORO, ALABAMA, United StatesI bought my home in Northeast Alabama, ten years ago and have watched an apple tree grow and not bear fruit until this year. Imagine my surprise to find that it was a Granny Smith apple! When I lived in Wisconsin, I owned an apple orchard, and grew mostly Cortland and Red Delicious. Never tried GS because it "wouldn't grow in the States". I think I shoould have tried. Next to Northern Spy, this is my favorite.
- 05 Sep 2008 LONDON, United KingdomWell, GS Apples are the best thing to happen for the Apple lovers. I just love the sweet and sour combination. I have tried all the different varieties, but nothing beats GS any day. Cheers Mrs. Smith.
- 04 Sep 2008 TEXAS, United StatesA fellow colleague reccomended these apples to me. All I can say is that I was sadly dissapointed! After exploring the apple world I have found that this apple is no where as tasty or refreshing as a pink lady!
- 30 Aug 2008 SYDNEY,, AustraliaGranny Smith is my great,great,great,great,grandmother, and her name was not Mary! Her name was Maria Ann Smith, nee Sherwood, (pronounced the same way as diva Mariah Carey), 1800-1870, married to Thomas Smith, 1797-1876. The orchard was located in Eastwood, now in the City of Ryde, Sydney. It is most probable that 'French Crab' apples were from wooden crates purchased at the Sydney Markets, after selling her produce, to facilitate transporting the next crop of fruit from her orchard (and I would say it was more likely the 'compost' heap rather than 'rubbish tip'!). Technically it is called a 'sport' which means a reproducing hybrid; the original term dates back to the time of Jane Austin. And 'YES' they are my favorite apples!!!
- 30 Jul 2008 United KingdomAre there any Granny Smith hybrid apples?
- 15 Jun 2008 RAINIER, OR, United StatesI noticed that the history is conflicting with a story in "The New Book of Apples." It says that the woman who found it was a Mrs. Anne Smith. It also says that the one of the parents is French Crab. Mrs. Smith found the seedling in a stream where she had dumped some apple remains from Sydney, moved it, and used its apples for cooking. A boy said they were good to eat. Mrs. Smith's family propagated the tree, and the rest is history.
- 09 May 2008 SOUTH INDIA, IndiaGranny Smiths are being seen in shops in Kerala recently. Really good apples, what's best about them is the texture; very dense and crisp. stays fresh for quite a while. superb taste, not too sweet, very refreshing.
- 24 Apr 2008 NORFOLK/UK, United KingdomWhich are the best varieties to have with Granny Smith apples for pollination in the UK. Many Thanks Alan
- 23 Apr 2008 DORDOGNE, FranceIs it true Granny Smith apples are not grown in UK ? OP: Not commercially to my knowledge. They are grown in France though, e.g. Limousin.
- 23 Feb 2008 AustraliaThese apple r so mad and refreshing
- 06 Feb 2008 United KingdomGranny smith apples rock!!!! I'm eating one right now :) Its sour, but refreshing.
- 27 Nov 2007 United StatesI love these apples because they are a bust of sweet and sour combination in every bite.
- 17 Nov 2007 BURBANK, CA, United StatesI've always called this apple as my favorite "sour" apple, because my grandpa had planted two of these apple trees in our backyard back in Armenia and every fall we been harvesting and wraping in papers for winter with my grandma. In dedication of my fathers memory/he passed away six month ago in Armenia/ and for his 89th B-day, today I have planted a gorgeous Granny Smith apple tree right in front of my balcony. God Bless Mrs Mary Smith.
- 02 Nov 2007 United StatesI've always liked sweet-tart combinations, so this has always been one of my favorite fruits It is also very crisp and not too juicy, which I like in an apple
- 09 Oct 2007 United StatesI've always liked these apples. They're great by themselves, but I think they're best when they've been chilled slightly first.
Tree register
- United States104
- United Kingdom11
- France 3
- Ireland1
- Portugal 1
- Spain 1
- Canada3
- Australia9
- New Zealand7
- Japan2
- India3
- Iran1
United States
- a Williams in WAKEFIELD, MA
- Adrian Astur Alvarez in Woodinville, WA
- Albany Appleguy in Castleton, NY
- Alison Gardner in Albion, CALIFORNIA
- Amanda Gajdzik in SHELBYVILLE, KY
- Angel R. in Jacksonville, SELECT STATE
- Aurie Bradley in KENSINGTON, CA
- Axel Kratel in Santa Cruz, CALIFORNIA
- baker3@wildblue.net in Thawville, ILLINOIS
- Bill Hampton in Landers, CA
- Bill Martin in Bristol, TN
- Brenda in Marion, IOWA
- Brian Phillips in Saint Johns, MI
- Brian Pruiett in CARLSBORG, WA
- Bryan Houser in Elkton, MI
- Busch83 in Port Republic, NEW JERSEY
- Chadwick Little in Marion, IA
- Chadwick Little in Marion, IA
- Charlie Wheeler in Santa Fe, NM
- Chestnut Hill Ranch in GEORGETOWN, CALIFORNIA
- Chris Thomas in Federal Way, WASHINGTON
- Darren Peters in Rock Spring, GEORGIA
- Daryl King in Denver, CO
- Dave in Coalinga, CA
- David in Kennesaw, GA
- David in Wilson, KS
- David Black in Bentonville, ARKANSAS
- Dennis in Bradford, DARKE, OH
- Dennis in Great Meadows, NJ
- Diana Shepard in Overland Park, KS
- Don Gaylord in Charlottesville, VA
- Don Pettinger in Corona, CA
- Doreirei in Montevallo, ALABAMA
- Doug Wickert in MADISON, OH
- Duane Brown in West Jefferson, NC
- Erin Mcguire in Toledo, OHIO
- Gary Hegler in Chesaning, MICHIGAN
- Gayla Dionne in Pensacola, FL
- George Hockel in Riverside, CALIFORNIA
- George Hockel in Riverside, CALIFORNIA
- Glenn Tremble in Trail, OREGON
- Hannah Brown in Wake Forest, NORTH CAROLINA
- Holly in Rehoboth, MASSACHUSETTS
- J.P.Curry in Sturgeon, MO
- Jeff Fournier in Alger, MI
- Jeff Rodriguez in NEWINGTON, CT
- Jerry Hudgins in Point Reyes Station, CALIFORNIA
- John R. Szakacs in Ben Lomond, CA
- Jon Shannon in Shaw Island, WA
- Jonathan Bastedo in YUCAIPA, CA
- Juan Casero in PALM BAY, FLORIDA
- Judd Curran in MISSOULA, MONTANA
- Karen Spencer in Salado, TX
- Katie Kranich in Elkton, MARYLAND
- Kellogg Hill Farms in SOUTH DAYTON, NY
- Kellogg Hill Farms in SOUTH DAYTON, NY
- Kenneth in Newberry, FLORIDA
- Kevin Maphis in Big Pool, MARYLAND
- Kim Lapacek in Poynette, WI
- Laurie Russ in Belton, MISSOURI
- Lloyd Bell in Beaverton, OR
- Mark A. Rock in Columbia Station, OHIO
- Mark Campbell in Centerville, INDIANA
- Marla Gillem in Paso Robles, CA
- Martin in Lakeport, CA
- Martin in Anaheim, CA
- Matt in Emmett, MI
- Matt in Salem, UTAH
- Melody Renee Delury in Anderson, IN
- Michael Miller in Kennett Square, PA
- Michelle Williams in Glenwood, SUSSEX COUNTY,NJ
- Mike Gilbert in Olalla, WAASHINGTON
- Nathan Buehler in Tualatin, OR
- Nathan Sanders in Middleburg, PENNSYLVANIA
- Owen Witesman in SPRINGVILLE, UT
- Peter in Johnson City, TN
- Phil Potter in Laguna Niguel, CALIFORNIA
- Randy in Baxley, GA
- Randy in St. Louis, MISSOURI
- Randy Anderson in MONTICELLO, KY
- Red in Arcata, CA
- Rex Callis in Pittsboro, IN
- Rex Callis in Pittsboro, IN
- Rob Bryant in Monticello, IN
- Robi Malone in Gray Court, SC
- Ron Davis in CHUCKEY, TN
- Ryan in Cumming, GA
- Ryan in Poway, CALIFORNIA
- Ryan in Sterling, NY
- Ryan Esparza in Somerset, WI
- Ryan Grover in Vineyard, UTAH
- Stephan Orchard in Westfield, INDIANA
- Stephen Sain in Los Lunas, NEW MEXICO
- Steven Shuman in Riverside, RI
- Steven Sypkens in Turney, MO
- Terry Smith in Prescott Valley, AZ
- Tim Hayes in Omaha, NEBRASKA
- Tyler Stewart in KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON
- Wayne Waggener in Thurmont, MD
United Kingdom
- Connor in Southampton,
- Eileen in Wantage, OXFORDSHIRE
- Esiah in London, SURREY
- Euan Cameron in LARBERT,
- Joseph Wallder in Esher, SURREY
- Kevinincornwall in Liskeard, UNITED KINGDOM
- Peter Hatton in Camberley, SURREY
- Phil Mcintyre in Widnes, CHESHIRE
- Stuart Atkinson in Durham, DURHAM
- Andrew Dalby in Saint-Coutant, DEUX-SEVRES
- BeN62 in Eclimeux,
- Sylveno in Le Frayssé, TARN
- James A Nolan in Glynn, WEXFORD
- Bruno Carvalho Guerra in Lisbon,
- Jorge Ramirez in VALENCIA, VALENCIA
- David G Anderson in Williamstown, ON
- katjatinnemann@gmail.com in VICTORIA, BC
- Leslie Chambers in Kelowna, BRITISH COLUMBIA
- Bek Farry in Launceston, TASMANIA/
- Carbine in YASS, NSW
- Evelyn Doyle in Canberra, ACT
- F Langlands in Padstow, NSW
- Hayden in Winslow, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA
- Jenny in Melbourne, VICTORIA,
- Lawrie Zion in Icy Creek, AUSTRALIA
- Melissa Honeydew in Broadford, VIC
- Warren in Cobram, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA
New Zealand
- Jo in Gisborne, EAST COAST
- Robert Mcbride in TAPANUI, OTAGO
- Stewart and Joanna in Southbridge, CANTERBURY
- Sue Foot in Christchurch,
- Trevor Courtney in Christchurch, CANTERBURY
- Caleb Fuller in Yoshitomi-Machi, FUKUOKA
- John Little in Komagane-Shi,, NAGANO-KEN
- Jatin Fishta in Rohru, INDIA
- Khalid Mushtaq Bhatt in Srinagar, JAMMU AND KASHMIR, INDIA
- Farzami Soroush in Tehran, TEHRAN
Spring blossom records for this variety
2022 season
- 2nd May 2022 - tree owned by James in Glynn, Ireland
- 24th April 2022 - tree owned by Busch83 in Port Republic, United States
- April 2022 - tree owned by Duane in West Jefferson, United States
2020 season
- 28th April 2020 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2019 season
- November 2019 - tree owned by Melissa in Broadford, Australia
- 30th April 2019 - tree owned by Ryan in Vineyard, United States
- 24th April 2019 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2018 season
- 27th April 2018 - tree owned by Ryan in Vineyard, United States
- 24th April 2018 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2017 season
- 24th April 2017 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
- April 2017 - tree owned by Phil in Laguna Niguel, United States
2016 season
- 19th April 2016 - tree owned by Phil in Laguna Niguel, United States
2015 season
- 5th April 2015 - tree owned by Karen in Salado, United States
2014 season
- 18th May 2014 - tree owned by Brenda in Marion, United States
- 15th May 2014 - tree owned by Robi in Gray Court, United States
- 9th May 2014 - tree owned by Dennis in Great Meadows, United States
- 22nd April 2014 - tree owned by Charlie in Santa Fe, United States
2013 season
- 10th May 2013 - tree owned by Albany in Castleton, United States
- 9th May 2013 - tree owned by Brenda in Marion, United States
- April 2013 - tree owned by Matt in Salem, United States
2012 season
- 16th April 2012 - tree owned by Albany in Castleton, United States
- 14th April 2012 - tree owned by Bill in Landers, United States
- 23rd March 2012 - tree owned by J.P.Curry in Sturgeon, United States
- 21st March 2012 - tree owned by Ryan in Cumming, United States
2011 season
- 14th April 2011 - tree owned by Bill in Landers, United States
- April 2011 - tree owned by Leslie in Kelowna, Canada
2010 season
- October 2010 - tree owned by Sue in Christchurch, New Zealand
- April 2010 - tree owned by Leslie in Kelowna, Canada
- 27th March 2010 - tree owned by Martin in Lakeport, United States
- 19th March 2010 - tree owned by Bill in Landers, United States
2009 season
- October 2009 - tree owned by Sue in Christchurch, New Zealand
- 29th March 2009 - tree owned by Martin in Lakeport, United States
Record your blossom dates in our Fruit Tree Register - more >>.
Harvest records for this variety
2018 season
- 4th week November 2018 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2017 season
- 3rd week November 2017 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
- November 2017 - tree owned by Phil in Laguna Niguel, United States
- 4th week October 2017 - tree owned by Dennis in Bradford, United States
2014 season
- 2nd week September 2014 - tree owned by Robi in Gray Court, United States
2013 season
- 4th week October 2013 - tree owned by Gary in Chesaning, United States
- 2nd week October 2013 - tree owned by Brenda in Marion, United States
- 3rd week April 2013 - tree owned by Matt in Salem, United States
2012 season
- 3rd week September 2012 - tree owned by Charlie in Santa Fe, United States
2011 season
- 2nd week October 2011 - tree owned by J.P.Curry in Sturgeon, United States
- 3rd week September 2011 - tree owned by Martin in Lakeport, United States
- 1st week September 2011 - tree owned by Leslie in Kelowna, Canada
2010 season
- 3rd week September 2010 - tree owned by Martin in Lakeport, United States
- 1st week September 2010 - tree owned by Leslie in Kelowna, Canada
- 1st week August 2010 - tree owned by Bill in Landers, United States
2009 season
- 4th week September 2009 - tree owned by Martin in Lakeport, United States
- Species: Malus domestica - Apple
- Parentage: Possibly French Crab and Rome Beauty
- Originates from: Australia
- Introduced: 1860s
- UK National Fruit Collection accession: 1976-145
- Country of origin: Australia
- Period of origin: 1850 - 1899
- Fruit colour: Green
- Flower colour: Pink - light
- Leaf colour: Green
- Popularity: Best sellers
- Annual cycle: Deciduous
- Picking season: Very late
- Keeping (of fruit): 3 months or more
- Flavour quality: Good
- Flavour style (apples): Sharper
- Cooking result: Keeps shape
- Discoloration of fruit: Oxidising
- Cropping: Heavy
- Fruit persistence: Persistent
- Food uses: Eating fresh
- Food uses: Culinary
- Picking period: mid-November
- Wildlife: RHS Plants for Pollinators
- Gardening skill: Average
- Flowering group: 3
- Pollinating others: Good
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Vigour: Average vigour
- Precocity: Precocious
- Bearing regularity: Biennial tendency
- Fruit bearing: Partial tip-bearer
- Self-fertility: Self-fertile
- Cold hardiness (USDA): Zone 5 (-29C)
- Chill requirement: Low-chill
- Climate suitability: Warm climates
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Warm (25-30C / 76-85F)
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Hot (>30C / 86F)
Other qualities
- Disease resistance: Average
- Cedar apple rust: Some resistance
- Scab (Apple and Pear): Some susceptibility
- Powdery mildew: Some susceptibility
- Fire blight: Some susceptibility
Where to buy trees
The following tree nurseries offer Granny Smith apple trees for sale:
- Orange Pippin Fruit Trees (USA) United States
Granny Smith apple trees - Orange Pippin Fruit Trees (UK) United Kingdom
Granny Smith apple trees - Burnt Ridge Nursery and Orchards
United States More >> - Cummins Nursery
United States More >> - Keepers Nursery
United Kingdom More >>
Where to buy fresh fruit
The following orchards grow Granny Smith:
United States
- Crow Mountain Orchard, Fackler
- Isom Orchards, Athens
- Mountain View Orchards, Jemison
- Scott's Orchard, Hazel Green
- Beatty's Orchard, Hereford
- Briggs & Eggers Orchards, Willcox
- Apple Lane Orchard, Julian
- Bellevue's See Canyon Farms, San Luis Obispo
- Berry Hill Farm, Paso Robles
- Jack Creek Farms, Templeton
- Jon A. Yori Ranches, Modesto
- Noble Orchards, Paradise
- Parrish Pioneer Ranch, Yucaipa
- Peacefield Orchard, Julian
- Prevedelli Farms, Watsonville
- Riley's at Los Rios Rancho, Yucaipa
- Riley's Farm, Oak Glen
- Riley's Farm Fort Cross Orchard, Yucaipa
- Seven C's Family Orchard, Tehachapi
- SLO Creek Farms, San Luis Obispo
- Smit Farms, Linden
- Apple Valley Orchard, Penrose
- Bolton's Orchards, Grand Junction
- Conner Orchards, Hotchkiss
- Ela Family Farms, Hotchkiss
- Peachfork Orchards & Vineyard, Palisade
- Red Mountain Ranches, Cedaredge
- Ellsworth Hill Orchard & Berry Farm, LLC, Sharon
- Emerald Green Farm & Gardens, Wallingford
- Hindinger Farm, Hamden
- Lyman Orchards, Middlefield
- Norton Brothers Fruit Farms, Cheshire
- Palazzi Orchard, East Killingly
- Scott's Yankee Farmer, East Lyme
- Staehly Farms, East Haddam
- Fifer Orchards, Camden Wyoming
- Aaron's Apple House, Ellijay
- B.J. Reece Apple House, Ellijay
- Freedom Farms - Apple & Peach Orchard, Chatsworth
- Hillcrest Orchards, Ellijay
- Hillside Orchard Country Store, Lakemont
- Mercier Orchards, Blue Ridge
- R & A Orchards, Ellijay
- Red Apple Barn (Little Bend Orchard), Ellijay
- Garrett Ranches, Wilder
- Kelley Orchards (Weiser), Weiser
- Braeutigam Orchards, Belleville
- Camp's Orchard, Roseville
- Christ Orchard, Elmwood
- Curtis Orchard & Pumpkin Patch, Champaign
- Eckert Orchards, Inc., Belleville
- Jonamac Orchards, Malta
- Kuipers Family Farm, Maple Park
- Liberty Apple Orchard, Edwardsville
- Lipe Orchards, Carbondale
- Mills Apple Farm, Marine
- Okaw Valley Orchard, Sullivan
- Orchard Ridge Farms, Rockton
- Pleasant Row Orchard, Cuba
- R.E. Arends Orchard, Laura
- Royal Oak Farm and Fruit Orchard, Harvard *** Feature Orchard ***
- Anderson Orchard, Mooresville
- Apple of His Eye, Anderson
- Cook's Orchard, Fort Wayne
- Countryside Orchard, Rochester
- County Line Orchard, Hobart
- Deer Creek Orchard, Galveston
- Ditzler Orchard, Rosedale
- Dougherty Orchards, Cambridge City
- G. W. Stroh Orchards, Angola
- Garwood Orchards, LaPorte
- HighPoint Orchard & Farm Market, Greensburg
- McClure's Orchard, Peru
- Melton's Orchard and Country Market, Bloomington
- Pleasant View Orchard, Fairland
- Radke's Orchards, Michigan City
- Harker Family Farms & Orchard, Waldron
- Applecart Orchard, Vinton
- Center Grove Orchard, Cambridge
- Ditmars Orchard, Council Bluffs
- Upstream Gardens & Orchard, Altoona
- 86th Street Orchard, Topeka
- Fieldstone Enterprise, Overbrook
- Meadowlark Farm, Rose Hill
- Hidden Hollow Orchard and Wildlife Sanctuary, Louisville
- Hinton's Orchard & Farm Market, Hodgenville
- Reed Valley Orchard, Paris
- Baugher Apple Orchard and Farm, Westminster
- Lewis Orchards and Farm Market, Cavetown
- C.N. Smith Farm, East Bridgewater
- Echo Hill Orchards and Winery, Monson
- Alber's Orchard & Cider Mill, Manchester
- Erie Orchards and Cider Mill, Erie
- Friske Orchards & Farm Market, Ellsworth
- Gull Meadow Farms, Richland
- Husted Farm Market and Cider Mill, Kalamazoo
- Lewis Farm Market & Petting Farm, New Era
- Moelker Orchards & Farm Market, Grand Rapids
- Morrison Farms, Williamsburg
- Pankiewicz Cider Mill & Farm Market, Casco
- Phillips Orchards & Cider Mill, Saint Johns
- Porter's Orchard Farm Market & Cider Mill, Goodrich
- Tompkins' Orchard and Country Store, Vassar
- Uptegraff's Orchard, Davison
- Novak's Orchards, LLC, Woodbury
- Sunrise River Apple Farm, Wyoming
- Centennial Farms, Augusta
- Hickory Ridge Orchard, Mexico
- Lehman Family Orchard, LLC, Spickard
- Peters Orchards & Market, Waverly
- Purple Gate Farm, Highlandville
- Sunshine Valley Farm, Rogersville
- Sweet Farm, Fallon
New Hampshire
- Demeritt Hill Farm, Lee
New Jersey
- Alstede Farms, Chester
- Beemerville Orchards, Sussex
- DeCou's Farm Market & Orchard, Shiloh
- Delicious Orchards, Colts Neck
- Fruitwood Farms, Inc., Monroeville
- John Himich Farms, East Brunswick
- Johnson's Corner Farm, Medford
- Larchmont Farms, Inc., Elmer
- Matarazzo Farms, Belvidere
- Pochuck Valley Farms Market and deli, Glenwood
- Ripple Hill Farm, Basking Ridge
- Robert Schober Orchards, Monroeville
- Simone's Apple Farm, Vineland
- Stoneyfield Orchards, Belvidere
- Strawberry Hill Farm, Chesterfield
- Terhune Orchards, Princeton
New Mexico
- Alary Farm, Corrales
- Costanza Apple Orchard, Belen
- Costanzas' Orchards and A-Bee Honey, Edgewood
- Fred & Ruby Martinez Orchards, Dixon
- Hays Honey Apple Farm, Bosque Farms
- Pat Montoya's Family Orchard, Velarde
New York
- Albany Apple Guy:Purveyor of Rare & Exotic Apples, Castleton
- Bellinger's Apple Orchard, Fultonville
- Borden's Orchard, Schaghticoke
- Bowman Orchards, Rexford
- Hurds Family Farm, Modena
- Masker Fruit Farms Inc., Warwick
- Miller's Apples, Dunkirk
- Minards Family Farm, Clintondale
- Rose Hill Farm, Red Hook
- Samascott Orchard, Kinderhook
- Seven Ponds Orchard, Water Mill
- Whittier Fruit Farm, Rochester
North Carolina
- AH & W Farm, Boomer
- Billy Laughter Orchards, Hendersonville
- Bohlen Farms, Chapel Hill
- Brushy Mountain Farm&Orchard, Moravian Falls
- JH Stepp Farm's Hillcrest Orchard, Hendersonville
- Justus Orchards, Hendersonville
- Lyda Farms, Hendersonville
- Millstone Creek Orchards, Ramseur
- Mountain Fresh Apples, Hendersonville
- Skytop Orchards, Flat Rock
- Tall Pine Apple Orchards, Hendersonville
- Arrowhead Orchard, Paris
- Bauman Orchards, Rittman
- Beckwith Orchards, Cider Mill and Gift Shop, Kent
- Burnham Orchards, Berlin Heights
- CherryHawk Farm, Marysville
- Eshleman Fruit Farm, Clyde
- Fuhrmann Orchards, Wheelersburg
- Hidden Hills Orchard, Marietta
- Hugus Fruit Farm, Rushville
- Johnston Fruit Farms, Swanton
- Legend Hills Orchard, Utica
- MacQueen Orchards, Holland
- Moreland Fruit Farm, Wooster
- Ochs Fruit Farm, Lancaster
- Paiges Produce, Stoutsville
- Reaver Farms Orchard, South Charleston
- Rittman Orchards, Doylestown
- Tüken's Farm Market and Orchard, West Alexandria
- Wesler Orchards, New Paris
- West Orchards, Perry
- Beilke Family Farm, Brooks
- Bells Orchard, Beaverton
- Haury Farms, Salem
- Kiyokawa Family Orchards, Mount Hood Parkdale
- River Bend Farm/Pleasant Hill Orchard, Eugene
- Smith Berry Barn, Hillsboro
- Thomas Orchards, Kimberly
- Thompson Creek Organics, Applegate
- B&P Hitz Fruit Farm, Woodburn
- Andrews Farm Market, Saint Thomas
- Boyer Orchards, New Paris
- Brown's Orchard and Cider Company, McDonald
- Brown's Orchards & Farm Market, Loganville
- Dries Orchards, Sunbury
- Gulicks Fruit Farm, Bangor
- Holy Root Farm, New Tripoli
- Masonic Village Farm Market, Elizabethtown
- McConnells' Farm, Aliquippa
- Miles Orchard (Miles Farm Produce), Coudersport
- Orton's Fruit Farm, North East
- Pappy's Orchard, Coopersburg
- Paulus Orchards, Dillsburg
- Rice Fruit Company, Gardners
- Ringing Hill Orchards, Pottstown
- Shaw Orchards, Stewartstown
- Solebury Orchards, New Hope
- Strites' Orchard, Harrisburg
- Townsend Brother's Fruit Farm, Spring Church
- Weaver's Orchard, Morgantown
Rhode Island
- Barden Family Orchard, North Scituate
South Carolina
- Blue Haven Orchards, Long Creek
- Bryson's Apple Orchard, Mountain Rest
- Chattooga Belle Farm, Long Creek
- Squire Acres, Gray Court
- Baxter's Orchard, Cosby
- Breeden's Orchard & Country Store, Mount Juliet
- Hurricane Hollow Apple Orchards, Buffalo Valley
- Melody Orchard, Rogersville
- Shade Tree Farm and Orchard, Adams
- Apple Valley Orchard, Llano (Oxford)
- Love Creek Orchards, Medina
- Young's Orchard, Wichita Falls
- McMullin Orchards, Payson
- Ayers Orchards, Cana
- Berrier Farms, Inc., Cana
- Carter Mountain Orchard, Charlottesville
- Chiles Peach Orchard and Farm Market, Crozet
- Dickie Brothers Orchard, Roseland
- Drumheller's Orchard, Lovingston
- Fitzgerald's Orchard, Tyro
- Graves Mountain Farm, Syria
- Hill High Farm and "The Pumpkin Patch", Winchester
- Hollin Farms, Delaplane
- Jenkins Orchard, Woodville
- Jim’s Apples, Duffield
- Johnson's Orchards & Peaks of Otter Winery, Bedford
- Layman Orchards, Daleville
- Marker-Miller Orchards Farm Market, Winchester
- Morris Orchard, Monroe
- Rinker Orchards, Inc., Stephens City
- Saunders Bros., Inc., Piney River
- Showalter's Orchard & Greenhouse, LLC, Timberville
- Silver Creek and Seamans' Orchards, Inc., Tyro
- Stribling Orchard, Markham
- Thornton River Orchard, Sperryville
- Borton Fruit, Yakima
West Virginia
- Ruggles Orchard, Levels
- Bickler's Apple Farm, Middleton
- Les Vergers de Vendée, Maureuil sur Lay
British Columbia
- Apple Luscious Organic Orchards, Salt Spring Island
- Dragonfly Farm, Salt Spring Island
- Notch Hill Organic, Sorrento
- Spencer Hill Orchard, Grand Forks
- Starry Night Meadows Farm, Mayne Island
- Heritage Fruits Society, Fairfield
- Verger de Saint-Loup, Versoix
- Cedar-Apple Rust
Author: Stephen Vann, University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture (FSA7538)
Rated as resistant - control only needed under high disease pressure. - Apples for the 21st Century
Author: Manhart - Apples of England (1948)
Author: Taylor - Fruit Expert
Author: Hessayon