Karmijn de Sonnaville was raised by Piet de Sonnaville, an apple enthusiast who had prevoiusly worked at the well-respected horticultural research school of the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands. Starting in 1949 he created numerous crosses, primarily using Cox and Jonathan, along with many others.
Karmijn de Sonnaville is his most well-known creation, a Cox-style variety, but with a distinctly more pronounced aromatic flavor. Cox's Orange Pippin is the female parent and the pollen parent is Jonathan. It is a triploid variety, and not able to pollinate other apple varieties.
Despite the English Cox ancestry, Karmijn de Sonnaville grows best in warmer drier climates - like Jonathan. It does very well in the northern and central states of the USA, and has the potential for very good flavor.
Karmijn de Sonnaville apple identification images
All images copyright Orange Pippin unless otherwise stated.
USDA identification images for Karmijn de Sonnaville
The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.
Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Parents and other ancestors of this variety
- Cox's Orange Pippin (parent) - Cox Orange Pippin is the female parent of Karmijn de Sonnaville
- Jonathan (parent)
Visitor reviews
- 30 Oct 2024I have grown in my own orchard and in a demonstration orchard (Western Washington Fruit Research Foundation) this particular apple. Its complex taste is wonderful at multiple stages of ripeness. Even if picked at peak ripeness and allowed to sit/be stored, its flavors become even more complex. Don't miss having this variety. It's my favorite of more than 60 varieties of apples I have worked to grow.
- 07 May 2024Cracked prone. added calcium to the soil and much better good rich flavor, great apple sauce
- 09 Nov 2023Excellent applesauce! Floral scent and flavor, balanced and delightful, slightly pink in color after cooking, barely added any sugar and it's out of this world! Picked mid-october and went into jars the first week of Nov - held well but not as well as other vars. Compared to other single-variety applesauce (AR black, ashmeads kernel, Belle de boskop), it's far and away my favorite.
- 30 Sep 2023Susceptible to fungal infection and should be treated but even when infected or otherwise clean apple has a surprising, unforgettable, delicious, flavor that gives and gives and gives--seems its sweet/sour juices never runout, amazilngly interesting, I guarantee until you do, you've never tasted anything like it.
- 01 Apr 2023In the easternmost county of the United States, which is the northernmost county on the Atlantic, our cool wet climate induces poor flavor in K. d S. that we grow.
- 17 Sep 2020 OXFORDSHIRE, United KingdomWe had three trees of KDS when we lived in Edmonds, N of Seattle. Was introduced to them by the community college apple festival. The fruit is superb. However they are as prone to codling moth and maggot as many others ( which occur randomly in this area) so the yields were less than hoped. The flavor and texture however were so astonishingly good that even the small output was worth waiting for. A life without tasting a KDS would be a life half lived!
- 14 Mar 2020 WA, United StatesHas anyone had good results with this apple in Western Washington?
- 16 Aug 2018 NORFOLK, United KingdomThis was a fantastic surprise finding this apple. If you like, this is my 'secret apple', in that I pick these and store them away for special days in the grey depths of Winter to lift the spirits and tastebuds! It has the most fantastic aroma, quite pear-drop like with a kind of russet nuttiness and flesh texture. The colour of the skin is also beautiful.
- 24 Jan 2018 NETHERLANDS, NetherlandsGreat (big) apple,difficult to get in supermarkets which is a pity. Bought it from a private person at the side of the road..... Very very tasty,sweet ,juicy,special aroma (i would say cox). People who buy this tree won't be disappointed.>>>FIVE STARS.
- 25 Oct 2015 MASSACHUSETTS, United StatesKarmijn disappointed me on first taste, perhaps because my expectations were too high. Grown in Southern Vermont, my sample lacked the sprightly flavor and texture of Cox's Orange Pippin. (The photos on this site do not appear to be Karmijn, which has an orange bloom, resembling Cox.) - Carter Wilkie, Boston
- 13 Mar 2015 WASHINGTON, United StatesKdS is a good one for the season, not a keeper. It does get a bit of AM. I have about 20 trees and they're really vigorous, triploid I think. I don't want ladders, or pruning. Bud-9 is not small enough. I'm thinking m27 or p-22. If you like Cox Orange>My choices #1 Fiesta, #2 Alkmene, #3 Kidd's, #4 Karmijn, #5 Mother. add.... Skipley Farm makes trees, has scion.
- 17 Nov 2014 WASHINGTON, United StatesIs this a good apple for pies? Does it come at all close to gravensteins?
- 15 Oct 2014 WASHINGTON, United StatesBest tasting apple I have ever eaten.
- 17 Feb 2013 WASHINGTON, United StatesEd, considering the climate in E. Wenatchee - desert as soon as you climb out of the Gorge - KdS might do pretty well in a city yard or large enough orchard to raise the humidity somewhat. I hope to add it onto one of the trees being created for my backyard orchard.
- 26 Jan 2013 WASHINGTON, United StatesReferring to Dave Liezen's comments above, I did the same thing - went to Wenatchee and obtained several varieities for sampling. Karmijn was absolutely in a world by itself! I had one tree planted, and came back and ordered another! Might not grow well in eastern Washington's hot climate, but it is worth trying. Crisp, sweet-tart and almot undescribable!
- 23 Jan 2012 NEDERLAND, NetherlandsIts not a apple from Wageningen bud from mister de Sonnaville he grows a lot of new varieties like Meiprinses and the newesr Lola
- 11 Oct 2010 WASHINGTON, United StatesDrove halfway across the state to purchase heirloom apples; tasted KdJ for the first time. Wow! Got to work this into my back yard somehow.
- 23 Sep 2010 IN, United StatesI purchased this tree as a two-year old from Raintree Nursery based on their intriguing description. Within two years I was able to sample the fruit, and can honestly say it revolutionized my feelings about apples - it is a wonderful variety, with intense yet balanced flavors, and ample sweetness and acidity. One of the three fruits was left to 'age' about 1 month before trying it, and the flavors had harmonized wonderfully. I am hoping to be able to grow it in my new location in Bloomington, IN (hotter summers, so I am pleased to hear reports of it doing well in N California).
- 06 Sep 2010 United StatesDave: I am growing it in a hot, dry part of Northern California where summer temperatures regularly approach, and can even exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit. It bears tasty fruit in my climate.
- 19 Jul 2010 WASHINGTON, United StatesI saw a website that claimed this cultivar does best with cooler summers. Anyone in a drier and hotter locale that has done well with Karmijn de Sonnaville? I live in Spokane, high and dry on the eastern edge of Washington state. Thanks, Dave.
- 16 Dec 2008 IJSSELSTEIN , NetherlandsFirst of all I love this apple for it's taste. And then ,how to pronounce the name. (car-mine de sonna-vil ) now that is not too difficult is it?
- 07 Oct 2007 WASHINGTON, United StatesHow is this name pronounced?
Tree register
United States
- Albany Appleguy in Castleton, NY
- Alistair Reece in GORDONSVILLE, VA
- Anne Van De Kamp in Bellingham, WASHINGTON
- Axel Kratel in Santa Cruz, CALIFORNIA
- Brendan in EVERETT, WA
- Brian Van Erem in Green Bay, WI
- Cammy in San Diego, CA
- Chris in Kennewick, WA
- Dan Spratlen in Camano Island, WASHINGTON / USA
- Dan Vorhis in FREELAND, WA
- Dan Whitney in Cowiche, WA
- Dave Dangelo in Augusta, MAINE
- David A Dawson in Solsberry, INDIANA
- David A. Dawson in Seattle, WA
- David Shaffer in Harrod, OH
- Florian Deisenhofer in Brush Prairie, CLARK COUNTY WA
- Gil Schieber in Snohomish, WA
- Glenn Grossman in Vancouver, WASHINGTON
- Jeremy Brown in Saint George, KANSAS
- Jerry Hudgins in Point Reyes Station, CALIFORNIA
- Jessica Klein in Maple Valley, WASHINGTON
- Jim Gana in Hallstead, PA
- Karen In Wa in Quilcene, WA
- Kim Wratten in Shoreline, WA
- Larry Landis in CORVALLIS, OREGON
- Mark A. Rock in Columbia Station, OHIO
- Mike Haller in SIOUX CITY, IOWA
- Ricky Bruckner in RAVENNA, OHIO (OH)
- Ryan Grover in Vineyard, UTAH
- Stephan Orchard in Westfield, INDIANA
- Surik Mehrabyan in Ithaca, NY
- Terry Graham in Tumwater, WA
- Thomas Griffith in COTTAGE GROVE, WI
United Kingdom
- Alison in Lancaster,
- Aron Jore-Van Houten in Arnhem, GELDERLAND
- Nynke Zijlstra in Eastermar, FRIESLAND
- Erik Nordenson in Cobourg, ONTARIO
- Jeannine Caldbeck in Thetis Island, BRITISH COLUMBIA
Spring blossom records for this variety
2022 season
- 13th May 2022 - tree owned by Jim in Hallstead, United States
2020 season
- 22nd May 2020 - tree owned by Jim in Hallstead, United States
- 23rd April 2020 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2019 season
- 12th May 2019 - tree owned by Jim in Hallstead, United States
- 30th April 2019 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2018 season
- 18th May 2018 - tree owned by Jim in Hallstead, United States
- 8th May 2018 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2017 season
- 6th May 2017 - tree owned by Jim in Hallstead, United States
- 12th April 2017 - tree owned by Gil in Snohomish, United States
2016 season
- 13th May 2016 - tree owned by Jim in Hallstead, United States
2015 season
- 12th May 2015 - tree owned by Jim in Hallstead, United States
2014 season
- 17th May 2014 - tree owned by Jim in Hallstead, United States
2013 season
- 12th May 2013 - tree owned by Jim in Hallstead, United States
- 27th April 2013 - tree owned by Florian in Brush Prairie, United States
2011 season
- 27th April 2011 - tree owned by Cammy in San Diego, United States
- 22nd April 2011 - tree owned by Cammy in San Diego, United States
- 22nd April 2011 - tree owned by Cammy in San Diego, United States
Record your blossom dates in our Fruit Tree Register - more >>.
Harvest records for this variety
- Species: Malus domestica - Apple
- Parentage: Cox x Jonathan
- Originates from: Wageningen, Netherlands
- Introduced: 1949
- Developed by: Piet de Sonnaville
- UK National Fruit Collection accession: 1971-060
- Country of origin: Netherlands
- Period of origin: 1900 - 1949
- Fruit colour: Orange flush
- Flower colour: White
- Leaf colour: Green
- Popularity: Under-rated
- Annual cycle: Deciduous
- Picking season: Late
- Keeping (of fruit): 1-2 months
- Flavour quality: Very good
- Flavour style (apples): Aromatic
- Discoloration of fruit: No discoloration (Good for drying)
- Cropping: Good
- Fruit persistence: Persistent
- Food uses: Eating fresh
- Food uses: Juice
- Picking period: early October
- Wildlife: RHS Plants for Pollinators
- Gardening skill: Average
- Flowering group: 4
- Pollinating others: Poor
- Ploidy: Triploid
- Vigour: Vigorous
- Bearing regularity: Regular
- Fruit bearing: Spur-bearer
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
- Cold hardiness (USDA): Zone 5 (-29C)
- Climate suitability: Temperate climates
- Climate suitability: Warm climates
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Cool ( 20-24C / 68-75F)
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Warm (25-30C / 76-85F)
Other qualities
- Disease resistance: Average
- Scab (Apple and Pear): Very susceptible
Where to buy trees
The following tree nurseries offer Karmijn de Sonnaville apple trees for sale:
- Orange Pippin Fruit Trees (USA) United States
Karmijn de Sonnaville apple trees - Cummins Nursery
United States More >> - Keepers Nursery
United Kingdom More >>
Where to buy fresh fruit
The following orchards grow Karmijn de Sonnaville:
United States
- Ela Family Farms, Hotchkiss
- Tiny Orchards, Saco
- Alber's Orchard & Cider Mill, Manchester
New Hampshire
- Alyson's Apple Orchard, Walpole
- Indian Cave Orchards, New Market
- Skipley Farm, Snohomish *** Feature Orchard ***
British Columbia
- Dragonfly Farm, Salt Spring Island
- Salt Spring Apple Company, Salt Spring Island
- Apples for the 21st Century
Author: Manhart
Lists synonym as Karmine - Some Antique Apples for Modern Orchards, (2008)
Author: Merwin I.A.