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Pinova apple

Malus domestica
An attractive yellow apple with a pink/orange flush. Crops heavily and stores well. Also known as Pinata.

Pinova apple identification images

All images copyright Orange Pippin unless otherwise stated.

  • Pinova
  • Pinova
  • Pinova
  • Pinova

USDA identification images for Pinova

The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.

    Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.

    Parents and other ancestors of this variety

    Offspring of this variety

    Sports of this variety

    Sports are natural genetic mutations of the original variety.

    Visitor reviews

    • 13 Mar 2015  WASHINGTON, United States
      Corail, Pinova, Sonata, Pinata-now owned by Stemilt here in Washington. Yep, it's patented, or trademarked. I've 10 trees on bud-9 and I need to keep the pick-your-owners off them cuase it's not too productive(yet) and it keeps full flavored. Like Jazz it's firm though not Hard like Jazz-which is too hard-tooth breaker. A bit scabby but definitely worth the trouble and remember scab has Salvestrol, that anticarcingen we all could be eating.
    • 06 Jan 2014  CO, United States
      Barbara, Manitou Springs CO I'd been looking for a Cox style apple that would give good flavor in Colorado, where it can get fairly hot and dry some years and cold and rainy others) when I came across these under the name Pinata at Vitamin Cottage/Natural Grocer in Colorado Springs. I'm planning on going back for more right away before they're all snatch up! They are so rich and aromatic, sprightly, subacid, and crisp, yet tender enough for my poor TMJ jaw to chew without dislocating. Yet they have plenty of sugar without being overwhelmingly syrupy sweet. I agree with Mizlee, they have a floral note that reminds me of roses and is utterly delightful. A thoroughly enjoyable apple that at last satisfies my yearning for that elusive Cox's OP flavor that we just can't seem to get here in Colorado. After researching a bit online it seems most of the Pinatas are being grown under an some sort of exclusive agreement in central/Eastern Washington, where hot dry summer days and cool evenings help develop their flavors. They don't seem to be available at harvest time. Is it because they are too sharp right off the tree, and need a few weeks of storage to mellow? Is that why we don't see them until January? I'd be curious to know if they taste as good grown in the cooler English and Northern European climates where they originated. Pinova used to be available through Raintree nursery but alas they no longer carry them. I've searched high and low and have finally come across a possible scionwood source and will try to obtain some for grafting this spring. If anyone out there knows of where I might purchase a tree please let me know, as I hope to hedge my bets in case the graft fails. Its exciting to have found an apple that satisfies my craving for the Cox's Orange Pippin flavor and that it's a much better keeper and potentially well suited for growing in my climate. I think I could eat them every day and never tire of them! Perhaps I too will lose 10 pounds as I stuff myself silly with these gorgeous apples! :-)
    • 06 Oct 2013  NEW YORK, United States
      One more thing. Before discovering Pinova, I ate apples because they are "good" for us. Pinova opened my eyes (and taste buds) to the realization that you could find nutritious foods that have exceptional flavor. Therefore, you realize the benefit immediately and are then willing to make it a habit for life long health.
    • 05 Oct 2013  NEW YORK, United States
      I ADORE this apple! Discovered it three years ago on an apple picking trip. I was looking for something different and WOW this was delicious. A beautiful sunset color with a sweet crispy texture that bursts with flavors. It replaces every snack and eliminates my desire for sweets. That first year I lost 10 lbs the first month we had them. Can't wait till they come out every year. I wish there were more orchards with them.
    • 15 Jan 2013  NY, United States
      Bo - This gargantuan apple-treasure is nothing to shake a stick at! Sweet, crisp, and mildly tart: this apple is great at parties. Brent - A large attractive apple with great flavor. Very sweet and juicy.
    • 12 Nov 2012  NY, United States
      I was looking for Jazz apples at the supermarket, and found these where the Jazz usually are. To me, the look and taste are just about the same, even though their lineage is different. I'll be buying these when Jazz aren't available.
    • 14 May 2012  DEVON, United Kingdom
      Our Pinova is one of the few reliable apple trees we have, giving a good yield even in years when others fail, and the fruit keep fairly well. The tree draws admiring comments on account of its shape (like a kid's drawing) and attractive flowers. The only problem is the flavour of the apples, which I would call "distinctive". OK, but not my favourite.
    • 15 Feb 2012  GEORGIA, United States
      Very sweet and crisp with a slight tart! Delicious.
    • 08 Feb 2011  CA, United States
      We get this apple here as Piñata and it has great flavor, light skin, and is very juicy. Makes a good eating apple. I've never cooked with it but I hear good things too. This is my new snack food along with Honeycrisp.
    • 14 Jan 2011  CALIFORNIA, United States
      What a find! I just tried this apple for the first time this month. Scent of roses! Flavor is crisp, not too sweet. I found this a delightful and memorable apple.
    • 13 Jan 2011  United States
      I tasted some from the store and they smelled like flowers, which is not very appetizing. They tasted like a bad Gala apple with a fake orange fruit punch aftertaste. I won't be buying Pinova apples again.
    • 13 Sep 2010  CAMBRIDGESHIRE, United Kingdom
      I've been unimpressed with my Pinova cordon. Disease resistance is reasonably good and it opens just a few flowers at a time, over an extremely long period (so could be useful for frosty areas or as a pollinator), but in my area it seems to be uniquely attractive to apple sawfly (maggots). I found the flavour to be rather savoury and just "wrong" for an apple - as if it came from a summer salad dish.
    • 17 Nov 2009  MARIN COUNTY, CA, United States
      I saw some new varieties the other day and decided to test them against each other. My husband tried the Pinova first. He likes it because it's tart and reminiscent of his favorite, Granny Smith. I don't know if they share any parentage but if you close your eyes you'd think you had a granny....the other one we tried was Sonya, which I liked better. See my comments at Sonya.
    • 05 Oct 2009  CHESHIRE, United Kingdom
      Planted one of these grafted as a knip-boom in early 2009. Allowed it to fruit lightly. Only allowed 9 fruit to set as a result all were very large. Just picked them they are crisp and juicy with good intense flavour - not too sweet, not too tart. Its parents are Golden delicious and cox and for me it tastes better than thd GD and almost as good as a cox. Fantastic apple.

    Tree register

    United States

    United Kingdom






    Spring blossom records for this variety

    2018 season

    • April  2018  - tree owned by Zviad in Gori, Germany

    2013 season

    • 4th May  2013  - tree owned by Florian in Brush Prairie, United States

    2010 season

    • 10th May  2010  - tree owned by Matt in Chester, United Kingdom
    • 2nd May  2010  - tree owned by N. in Cambridge, United Kingdom

    2009 season

    • 18th April  2009  - tree owned by N. in Cambridge, United Kingdom

    Record your blossom dates in our Fruit Tree Register - more >>.

    Harvest records for this variety

    2018 season

    • 1st week October  2018  - tree owned by Zviad in Gori, Germany
    • 4th week September  2018  - tree owned by Ann in Nottingham, United Kingdom

    2013 season

    • 3rd week October  2013  - tree owned by Alison in Albion, United States

    2010 season

    • 3rd week October  2010  - tree owned by Matt in Chester, United Kingdom

    2009 season

    • 1st week October  2009  - tree owned by Matt in Chester, United Kingdom
    • October  2009  - tree owned by N. in Cambridge, United Kingdom


    • Species: Malus domestica - Apple
    • Parentage: Golden Delicious x (Cox's Orange Pippin x Doktor Oldenburg)
    • Originates from: Germany
    • Introduced: 1986
    • Developed by: Institute for Fruit Research, Dresden-Pillnitz
    • UK National Fruit Collection accession: 1994-015


    • Country of origin: Germany
    • Period of origin: 1950 - 1999
    • Fruit colour: Orange / Red
    • Flower colour: White
    • Leaf colour: Green
    • Popularity: Rarely grown
    • Annual cycle: Deciduous


    • Picking season: Late
    • Keeping (of fruit): 3 months or more
    • Flavour quality: Good
    • Flavour style (apples): Sweeter
    • Cropping: Heavy
    • Fruit persistence: Normal ripening
    • Food uses: Eating fresh
    • Food uses: Juice
    • Picking period: early October
    • Wildlife: RHS Plants for Pollinators


    • Gardening skill: Average
    • Flowering group: 4
    • Pollinating others: Poor
    • Ploidy: Diploid
    • Vigour: Slightly small
    • Bearing regularity: Regular
    • Fruit bearing: Spur-bearer
    • Organic culture: Suitable
    • Self-fertility: Not self-fertile


    • Frost resistance of blossom: Some resistance
    • Climate suitability: Temperate climates
    • Climate suitability: Mild damp climates
    • Summer average maximum temperatures: Cool ( 20-24C / 68-75F)
    • Summer average maximum temperatures: Warm (25-30C / 76-85F)

    Other qualities

    • Disease resistance: Good
    • Canker: Some resistance
    • Scab (Apple and Pear): Some resistance
    • Powdery mildew: Some susceptibility

    Where to buy trees

    The following tree nurseries offer Pinova apple trees for sale:

    Where to buy fresh fruit

    The following orchards grow Pinova:

    United States

    United Kingdom



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