Firm good quality early eating apple that ships well. Medium size, yellow, flushed red.
USDA identification images for Quinte
The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.
Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Visitor reviews
- 21 Oct 2011 Canadathis is one of the best apples you'll ever eat! Worth the trouble of finding it!
- Species: Malus domestica - Apple
- Parentage: Red Melba x Crimson Beauty
- Originates from: Smithfield Experimental Farm, Trenton, Ontario, Canada
- Introduced: 1964
- Developed by: Agriculture Canada
- UK National Fruit Collection accession: 1965-009
- Country of origin: Canada
- Period of origin: 1950 - 1999
- Picking season: Early
- Keeping (of fruit): 2-3 weeks
- Flavour quality: Good
- Flavour style (apples): Sharper
- Food uses: Culinary
- Food uses: Juice
- Flowering group: 2
Where to buy fresh fruit
The following orchards grow Quinte:
United States
- Staehly Farms, East Haddam
- Southwind Orchards, Dakota
New York
- Rulfs Orchard, Peru
British Columbia
- Salt Spring Apple Company, Salt Spring Island
- Cedar-Apple Rust
Author: Stephen Vann, University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture (FSA7538)
Rated as susceptible - control usually needed where CAR is prevalent.