Ellisons Orange is an early (c1905) cross of Cox's Orange Pippin, and without doubt one of the most significant Cox-style apples. Its depth and range of flavour are in the same league as its parent.
Its uniqueness comes from the strange aniseed flavour which can arise after picking - a facet of the Cox-family aromatic complexity which is not apparent in its parent. In a good year, and soon after picking, the aniseed is subdued or absent and some authorities claim Ellisons Orange can be as intense as Cox. In a bad year though, or grown in the wrong conditions, it can be quite unpleasant. The trick is to remember that Ellisons Orange, unlike most of the more complex apple varieties, is actually a mid-season apple, ripening in the UK in September. Also, like other mid-season varieties, it does not keep especially well.
If you don't like aniseed do not let this put you off because you would be missing a unique taste experience. Straight from the tree the aniseed flavour is barely detectable, and Ellison's Orange has such a glorious richness of flavour that it is "essential reading" for anyone with an interest in apples. After a few days the aniseed is slightly more apparent - but merely as a liquorice undertone to a whole array of different fruit flavours.
Visually Ellisons Orange fits the bill as a classic English variety. The flesh is quite soft, somewhat pear-like in texture, and juicier than Cox. Ellisons Orange is certainly a good way in to the Cox-style flavour. Although Cox is readily available in supermarkets from both UK and New Zealand suppliers, it is difficult to get examples which truly reflect its flavour potential - supermarket Cox apples are usually pleasant but do not really live up to the reputation. Ellisons Orange on the other hand - if you can find it - is a more reliable variety.
Ellisons Orange was developed from Cox's Orange Pippin by Rev. Ellison in Lincolnshire, England, at the start of the 20th century. Its other parent is believed to be one of the Calville varieties, originating in France and thought to be very old.
Ellisons Orange has always been moderately popular as a Cox-style apple which is easier to grow than its disease-prone parent. As a result it can sometimes be found at farmers markets or in old traditional orchards. It is also much easier to grow in the garden than Cox - and picked straight from the tree is the best way to enjoy the incredible intense flavours without over-dosing on the aniseed.
Ellisons Orange is an English classic that can undoubtedly claim a place in the first rank of apple varieties.
Its uniqueness comes from the strange aniseed flavour which can arise after picking - a facet of the Cox-family aromatic complexity which is not apparent in its parent. In a good year, and soon after picking, the aniseed is subdued or absent and some authorities claim Ellisons Orange can be as intense as Cox. In a bad year though, or grown in the wrong conditions, it can be quite unpleasant. The trick is to remember that Ellisons Orange, unlike most of the more complex apple varieties, is actually a mid-season apple, ripening in the UK in September. Also, like other mid-season varieties, it does not keep especially well.
If you don't like aniseed do not let this put you off because you would be missing a unique taste experience. Straight from the tree the aniseed flavour is barely detectable, and Ellison's Orange has such a glorious richness of flavour that it is "essential reading" for anyone with an interest in apples. After a few days the aniseed is slightly more apparent - but merely as a liquorice undertone to a whole array of different fruit flavours.
Visually Ellisons Orange fits the bill as a classic English variety. The flesh is quite soft, somewhat pear-like in texture, and juicier than Cox. Ellisons Orange is certainly a good way in to the Cox-style flavour. Although Cox is readily available in supermarkets from both UK and New Zealand suppliers, it is difficult to get examples which truly reflect its flavour potential - supermarket Cox apples are usually pleasant but do not really live up to the reputation. Ellisons Orange on the other hand - if you can find it - is a more reliable variety.
Ellisons Orange was developed from Cox's Orange Pippin by Rev. Ellison in Lincolnshire, England, at the start of the 20th century. Its other parent is believed to be one of the Calville varieties, originating in France and thought to be very old.
Ellisons Orange has always been moderately popular as a Cox-style apple which is easier to grow than its disease-prone parent. As a result it can sometimes be found at farmers markets or in old traditional orchards. It is also much easier to grow in the garden than Cox - and picked straight from the tree is the best way to enjoy the incredible intense flavours without over-dosing on the aniseed.
Ellisons Orange is an English classic that can undoubtedly claim a place in the first rank of apple varieties.
Ellison's Orange apple identification images
All images copyright Orange Pippin unless otherwise stated.
USDA identification images for Ellison's Orange
The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.
Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Parents and other ancestors of this variety
- Cox's Orange Pippin (parent) - Ellisons Orange comes close to Cox for flavour
Visitor reviews
- 26 Aug 2024Hear hear to the description above. Many years ago our family grew wonderfully flavoured Coxes on the red marl soil of west Glos but they were heavily russeted and thus stitched up for grading by the Kent growers who set the standards then. We had just two Ellisons Orange trees against a wall in the walled garden and they, to me, outshone all the many other varieties at Meredith Fruit Farm.
- 12 May 2023I have one of these and found it to be a reliable cropper it is at least 80 years old,in the north of Scotland.
- 13 Oct 2022 ANGUS, United KingdomThis is the closest contender to Cox. Many of the offsprings and hybrids of cox are good in their own right. Red windsor and jupiter being two of the best ones, but ellisons comes closest when considering texture and sheer aromatic quality
- 22 Aug 2021 CLUSES, FranceI have an ellison's orange since 3 years, the tree grows well, the blossom is later than most of my others varietes. The apple can be eaten mid august here. (french alps) Anised, orange, original taste. The tree is at 600 meter in a valley. i will try it at 1100 meter (later blosson, early rippen) , england comes to the alps! Sorry for my english....
- 28 Mar 2020 GLOUCESTERSHIRE, United KingdomI have an Ellison's Orange tree in my garden. I love to pick these and eat them straight from the tree. I don't like aniseed, but I can't taste that in them. Its my favourite apple when eaten fresh like this. Delicious flavour. Not too sweet, but not sharp either.
- 18 Oct 2016 SHEFFIELD, United KingdomThis year was the first big crop after planting 7 years ago, it was worth the wait, they are only just fully ripe now (18oct). I pick them straight from the tree when needed, they are surpassing the coxes from the supermarket in flavour and juiciness, fantastic apple (5/5)!
- 09 Oct 2014 HERTFORDSHIRE, United KingdomI have a Cox Orange Pippin but its not a patch on the Ellisons Orange which is quite superb. Haven't noticed any aniseed flavour despite eating right through its ripening process. Interested in the tip to wrap and keep in the dark, if there are any left! Not one bad shape or attack by pest or canker.
- 21 Sep 2013 LINCOLN, United KingdomThere is a very old and large Ellisons Orange tree in a back garden at Usher Avenue together with an equally old Blenheim Orange. If anyone from the Boultham Park renovation team is interested then they should be able to find them and they are very welcome to contact me.
- 07 Nov 2012 READING, United KingdomWe have an Ellison's orange tree, which fruits well every year and has delicious apples. I personally like the slight anise flavour. It's a battle to keep the Coddling moth off though and i don't prune everu year.
- 12 Jan 2012 LINCOLN, United KingdomHi, we are working on a 3 million pound project to restore the park at Boultham which was the site of Boultham Hall -home of the Ellison's. One of the things we are looking to do is heritage planting and so I have been really interested to read this stream of information.
- 22 Aug 2011 MARCIAC, FranceWe planted an Ellison's Orange in memory of my brother in 2003 - this year has been prolific after pruning. Best eaten off the tree as the windfalls tend to be diseased. Not really tasted the Aniseed!
- 10 Apr 2010 CAMBRIDGESHIRE, United KingdomA very nice tasting apple. But very prone to codling moth (maggots). Also quite prone to canker. Not recommended unless you plan to treat against codling and canker. Mildew and scab resistance is quite good and treatment shouldn't be required against those diseases.
- 19 Feb 2010 United Kingdomtaste / texture of this apple is identical to laxton's fortune - both have a hint of anise (aniseed). can be difficult to tell them apart, but the shape is different. laxton's fortune is more curvy. the depth of the eye is different too.
- 15 Sep 2009 MERSEYSIDE, United KingdomIf you can be brave- thin the branches and get beautiful large, red apples. Large ones store well- wrapped and boxed and you can enjoy until December. The flavour is complex and slightly aniseed, but delicious. A great variety.
- 09 Sep 2009 GOSPORT, HAMPSHIRE,ENGLAND, United Kingdomwe had an ellison's orange in the garden as kids, we always wrapped them in newspaper and stored them in the dark...that way they seemed to last quite a while. Now i've just purchased one of my own, hope it's as good as i remember!
- 12 Nov 2008 BEDFORD, United KingdomAs a child, we had a large Ellison's Orange tree in the orchard. It usually had a good crop of juicy, full flavored fruit with a distinctive orange tang. Aniseed is not a flavor I can recall at any time.
- 03 Nov 2008 LINCOLN, United StatesI was born in Rookery Lane Lincoln, beside Boultham Park wich was the Ellison family home (Boultham Hall). We had a tree in the garden & the apples were beautiful. Just been to check & sadly the tree is no longer there.
- 22 Oct 2008 WINCANTON, SOMERSET, United KingdomWe have a tree in our garden (only owned the house 3 years) which is an Ellisons Orange - we have had bumper crops in the last 2 very wet years and after pruning the tree back quite hard.. I had more than I knew what to do with this year but they went down well at work and with the neighbours. They don't keep for all that long though - even in a cold dark place, they seem to go a bit soft but you can see where the orange name comes from as they go from bright green with a wonderful red blush to a yellowy-orange colour at the end of the season.. I have never noticed aniseed...
- 30 Sep 2008 LONDON, United KingdomThese apples are mad hot. Can't get enough.
- 08 Oct 2007 SHROPSHIRE, United KingdomWe have a tree identified recently at an apple day fair as Ellison's Orange. We have only lived at this address for 18 months, but we believe the tree was planted soon after the house was built in 1965. For both our summers here it has cropped very prolifically. Picked fresh off the tree, the fruit is absolutely delicious. However it seems to lose its crispness, juiciness and delicious flavour if not eaten fairly soon after picking. But I can't say I've noticed anything like aniseed in its taste.
- 06 Oct 2007 SURREY, ENGLAND, United KingdomOne of the apple trees in my garden has been identified as an Ellison's Orange. We know that it has been growing there since at least 1956, when my husband's parents moved in to this property. My husband thinks the tree was already planted, either by an earlier owner or perhaps when the house was originally built in the early 1930s. It was originally an espalier, which would have needed a lot of pruning, but that got neglected so it has grown into a bush tree. We have had it pruned in recent years but have been advised to leave it be from now on. It bears apples this year and they are larger than usual, very juicy and I like them. I shall be choosing one to take tomorrow to church to help decorate the base of the font for harvest festival. I shall be taking some Laxton's Superb apples with the same history which are more prolific at this time of year. The birds like to peck at both varieties. Normally there are insects inside the apples, but this does not seem to have happened in 2007. I have not been asked before to take anything to decorate the church.
- 22 Sep 2007 YORKSHIRE, United Kingdomi grow this apple and have done for 15 years . i find this apple very sweet and juicy and tender fruits. as for tasteing of aniseed imust say i have never tasted it.it is a very good doer and i get plenty of apples every year
Tree register
United States
- Albany Appleguy in Castleton, NY
- Dan Spratlen in Camano Island, WASHINGTON
- David Shaffer in Harrod, OH
- Dennis in Bradford, DARKE, OH
- Jessica Klein in Maple Valley, WASHINGTON
- Jon Shannon in Shaw Island, WA
- Red in Arcata, CA
United Kingdom
- Reach Community Orchard in Cambridge,
- Reach Community Orchard in Cambridge,
- Reach Community Orchard in Cambridge,
- Alison Cooke in Lincoln, LINCOLNSHIRE
- Alison Quinsey in Beccles, SUFFOLK
- Andrew Guille in St Saviour, GUERNSEY
- Anne Johnson in Royston, SOUTH YORKSHIRE
- Banjo Meres in Holybourne Alton, HANTS
- Ben Alofs in Bangor, GWYNEDD
- Bill Barker And Sharon Cherry in Smeeton Westerby, LEICESTERSHIRE
- Cheryl Graves in Lincoln, LINCOLNSHIRE
- Chris Bartram in Worstead, NORFOLK
- Craig Bridge in Lincoln, LINCOLNSHIRE
- David Harmston in Sleaford, LINCS
- David Porter in POOLE, DORSET
- deadbird in Epsom, SURREY
- Deborah Kaufmann in Stalybridge,
- Dougas Wilson in Perth,
- Elaineboxalllewis@Gmail.Com in London,
- Elisabeth in Lincoln, LINCOLNSHIRE
- Elizabeth Hodge in Evesham, WORCESTERSHIRE
- Eric Gowland in Exning, SUFFOLK
- Graham Charles Schofield in Newmarket, SUFFLOK
- Graham Hinchliffe in Eastbourne, EAST SUSSEX
- Gwyn Phillips in Grayswood, SURREY
- Hazel Bartle in Acharacle, ARGYLL
- Ivor Kiverstein in Pulborough, WEST SUSSEX
- James C. Porteous in York, NORTH YORKSHIRE
- Jan Chegwin in Epsom, SURREY
- Jean Lippett in Martock, SOMERSET
- Jon in Brigg, LINCOLNSHIRE
- Jon Drakes in Keelby, LINCOLNSHIRE
- Jon Drakes in Keelby, LINCOLNSHIRE
- Jonathan Morgan in Cambridge,
- Kathy Doyle in Swindon, WILTSHIRE
- Kevinincornwall in Liskeard, UNITED KINGDOM
- Louise Maskill in Crich, DERBYSHIRE
- Mandy Russell in Bedford, BEDS
- Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- Mark Davies in Saddleworth, YORKSHIRE
- Mark Strutton in Milton Keynes, BUCKS
- Martin A Smith in Petersfield, HAMPSHIRE
- Meadowcopse in Chester, CHESHIRE
- Michelle Phalp in Bournemouth, DORSET
- Mrs Stephanie Bond in Stourton Caundle, DORSET
- N. Buck in Cambridge, CAMBRIDGESHIRE
- Pat Shakespeare in Friockheim, ANGUS
- Paul Thornton in Rugby, WARKS
- Pete High in Cumbria
- Peter Barnard in Doncaster, LINCOLNSHIRE
- Peter Samsom in Hexham, NORTHUMBERLAND
- Ross in Blaenau Ffestiniog, GWYNEDD
- Rupert in Holnest, DORSET
- Stephen Syers in Scarborough, NORTH YORKSHIRE
- Steve Halliwell in Poole, DORSET
- Steve Sim in Grange Over Sands, CUMBRIA
- Steve Webster in Truro, CORNWALL
- Stuart Logan in Newbury, BERKSHIRE
- Tim Pizey in Oxford
- Tim Ware in Lincoln, LINCOLNSHIRE
- Tony in Glasgow, SCOTLAND
- Tony Burch in Blandford Forum, DORSET
- Vincent Bentley in Montgomery, POWYS
- Wayne Seagate in Kings Lynn, NORFOLK
- Weaver in Dusseldorf, NRW
- Lars Christoffersen in TRIM,
New Zealand
- Helmut Mueller in Neukirch, THURGAU
Spring blossom records for this variety
2018 season
- 9th May 2018 - tree owned by Bill in Smeeton Westerby, United Kingdom
2017 season
- 4th May 2017 - tree owned by Bill in Smeeton Westerby, United Kingdom
- 15th April 2017 - tree owned by deadbird in Epsom, United Kingdom
2016 season
- 26th May 2016 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 16th May 2016 - tree owned by Bill in Smeeton Westerby, United Kingdom
- 8th May 2016 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
2015 season
- 11th May 2015 - tree owned by Bill in Smeeton Westerby, United Kingdom
- 8th May 2015 - tree owned by Jon in Brigg, United Kingdom
- 4th May 2015 - tree owned by Tim in Lincoln, United Kingdom
- May 2015 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 11th April 2015 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
2014 season
- 26th May 2014 - tree owned by Tim in , United Kingdom
- 5th May 2014 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 3rd May 2014 - tree owned by Bill in Smeeton Westerby, United Kingdom
- 1st May 2014 - tree owned by Tim in Lincoln, United Kingdom
- 10th April 2014 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
- April 2014 - tree owned by deadbird in Epsom, United Kingdom
- April 2014 - tree owned by Gwyn in Grayswood, United Kingdom
2013 season
- 31st May 2013 - tree owned by Bill in Smeeton Westerby, United Kingdom
- 15th May 2013 - tree owned by Jean in Martock, United Kingdom
- May 2013 - tree owned by Michelle in Bournemouth, United Kingdom
- 12th April 2013 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
- April 2013 - tree owned by Gwyn in Grayswood, United Kingdom
2012 season
- 19th May 2012 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 7th May 2012 - tree owned by Tim in , United Kingdom
- 5th May 2012 - tree owned by Tim in Lincoln, United Kingdom
- 5th May 2012 - tree owned by Tim in Lincoln, United Kingdom
- 16th April 2012 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
2011 season
- 12th April 2011 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
2010 season
- 16th May 2010 - tree owned by Jon in Keelby, United Kingdom
- 16th May 2010 - tree owned by Jon in Keelby, United Kingdom
- 10th May 2010 - tree owned by Tim in , United Kingdom
- 3rd May 2010 - tree owned by Stuart in Newbury, United Kingdom
- 29th April 2010 - tree owned by Elizabeth in Evesham, United Kingdom
- 27th April 2010 - tree owned by N. in Cambridge, United Kingdom
2009 season
- 18th April 2009 - tree owned by N. in Cambridge, United Kingdom
- 4th March 2009 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
Record your blossom dates in our Fruit Tree Register - more >>.
Harvest records for this variety
2019 season
- 2nd week September 2019 - tree owned by Jon in Shaw Island, United States
- 4th week August 2019 - tree owned by Tony in Blandford Forum, United Kingdom
2018 season
- 3rd week September 2018 - tree owned by Jon in Shaw Island, United States
2017 season
- 3rd week September 2017 - tree owned by Jon in Shaw Island, United States
- 1st week September 2017 - tree owned by Eric in Exning, United Kingdom
- 1st week September 2017 - tree owned by Bill in Smeeton Westerby, United Kingdom
2016 season
- 2nd week November 2016 - tree owned by Katie in Duns, United Kingdom
- 3rd week October 2016 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
- 3rd week September 2016 - tree owned by Bill in Smeeton Westerby, United Kingdom
- 2nd week September 2016 - tree owned by deadbird in Epsom, United Kingdom
2015 season
- 4th week October 2015 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
- 3rd week October 2015 - tree owned by Peter in Hexham, United Kingdom
- 3rd week September 2015 - tree owned by Bill in Smeeton Westerby, United Kingdom
- September 2015 - tree owned by Anne in Royston, United Kingdom
- 4th week August 2015 - tree owned by deadbird in Epsom, United Kingdom
- 3rd week August 2015 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
2014 season
- 3rd week September 2014 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
- 2nd week September 2014 - tree owned by Bill in Smeeton Westerby, United Kingdom
- 3rd week August 2014 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
2013 season
- 1st week October 2013 - tree owned by Bill in Smeeton Westerby, United Kingdom
- 1st week October 2013 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
- September 2013 - tree owned by Gwyn in Grayswood, United Kingdom
2012 season
- 3rd week October 2012 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 3rd week September 2012 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
2010 season
- 1st week October 2010 - tree owned by Steve in Poole, United Kingdom
- 3rd week September 2010 - tree owned by James in York, United Kingdom
2009 season
- Species: Malus domestica - Apple
- Parentage: Cox's Orange Pippin
- Originates from: Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom
- Introduced: 1890
- UK National Fruit Collection accession: 1982-046
- Awards: RHS AGM (current)
- Country of origin: United Kingdom
- Period of origin: 1850 - 1899
- Fruit colour: Orange flush
- Flower colour: Pink - light
- Leaf colour: Green
- Popularity: Best sellers
- Annual cycle: Deciduous
- Picking season: Mid
- Keeping (of fruit): 1 week
- Flavour quality: Very good
- Flavour style (apples): Aromatic
- Discoloration of fruit: No discoloration (Good for drying)
- Cropping: Good
- Fruit persistence: Normal ripening
- Food uses: Eating fresh
- Picking period: mid-September
- Wildlife: RHS Plants for Pollinators
- Gardening skill: Average
- Flowering group: 4
- Pollinating others: Average
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Vigour: Average vigour
- Bearing regularity: Regular
- Fruit bearing: Partial tip-bearer
- Attractive features: Attractive fruit
- Longevity: Long-lived
- Self-fertility: Partially self-fertile
- Frost resistance of blossom: Good resistance
- Climate suitability: Temperate climates
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Cool ( 20-24C / 68-75F)
- Cold hardiness (RHS): H6 (to -20C)
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Cold (< 20C / 67F)
Other qualities
- Disease resistance: Good
Where to buy trees
The following tree nurseries offer Ellison's Orange apple trees for sale:
- Orange Pippin Fruit Trees (UK) United Kingdom
Ellison's Orange apple trees - Cummins Nursery
United States More >>
Where to buy fresh fruit
The following orchards grow Ellison's Orange:
United States
- Skipley Farm, Snohomish *** Feature Orchard ***
United Kingdom
England - midlands
- Walsgrove Farm, Worcester
England - north
- Holly Mount Orchard, Bury
- Saddleworth Orchard, Saddleworth
England - south-east
- Wigmore Orchard, Tadley
England - south-west
- A'Beckett's, Devizes
- Heritage Fruits Society, Fairfield
- Apples of England (1948)
Author: Taylor - Fruit Expert
Author: Hessayon