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Ingrid Marie apple

Ingrid Marie is a popular variety in northern Europe but is not well-known in the UK. It is an attractive crimson flushed apple, with streaks of russet. The flavour is quite bland and light, and the flesh is fairly soft - best eaten straight from the tree.

Ingrid Marie was found 1910 in the garden of Hoed School, near Flemloese on the island of Fyn (Funen in English), Denmark. It was named after teacher K. Madsen's daughter, who died very young. It was long believed to have been a chance seedling of Cox's Orange, and this was recently confirmed by research done in Sweden. The father variety proved to be the Danish variety "Guldborg" ("Golden Castle") named after a small village on the island of Lolland. Ingrid Marie's main claim to fame is that it is the parent of Elstar, one of the best modern apples.

Ingrid Marie remains a popular variety for both home gardeners and industry. The red sport Karin Schneider / Red Ingrid Marie is grown in Denmark, Sweden and Northern Germany, i.e. Alte Land near Hamburg. The apple is available in almost every supermarket in Denmark from October-December.

(Historical details supplied by J. Olsen of Vejle, Denmark).

Visitor comments:
"I used to sell this apple in my shop,sourced from a farm near West Malling. I remember it to be a very juicy apple, easy to eat especially for older people and with something of the cox flavour about it. It was extremely popular with my customers until the supplier switched to supplying Sainsburys."  John, Kent, UK

USDA identification images for Ingrid Marie

The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.

    Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.

    Parents and other ancestors of this variety

    Offspring of this variety

    Sports of this variety

    Sports are natural genetic mutations of the original variety.

    Visitor reviews

    • 14 Nov 2024 
      This apple is very common in Norway for many many years. A very good apple that can be stored a long time.
    • 24 May 2024 
      I have one and I think it is delicious. It's late flowering and picked late (october)
    • 21 Sep 2009  Denmark
      Beautiful, rustic apple, acidy and juicy, but requires plenty of sun (nice summers) for best taste. Particularly good for baking, cooking, etc. Should be consumed as fresh as possible. Does not age too well, is not ‘plasticky’ as modern varieties and is relatively weather-dependent and therefore less and less popular commercially – which is too bad! Recommended.
    • 29 Jul 2009  CANAKKALE, TURKEY, Turkey
      Helllo! My name is Mehmet. I liked this type of apple too much. How can i buy a tree of Ingrid Marie apple? Can someone help me?
    • 29 Nov 2008  MALDEN, NL, United States
      ingrid marie is grown by th dutch nursery 'de sterappel' in Varik; i just bought one. looking forward to next season!
    • 15 Mar 2008 
      Hello! My name is Marijan and I'm from Slovenia. I would like to have a tree of Ingrid Marie apple in my fruit garden. I've tried hard to get a branch to graft Ingrid Marie, but unsuccessfully. I wonder if there is someone who can send me a graft. Contact me on my e- mail address: Have a nice day!
    • 04 Dec 2007  WORCESTERSHIRE UK, United Kingdom
      I bought some at a Farmers Market on 01.12.07. They were obviously past their best by then but still pleasant eating. well russeted which I like. Never seen them before.

    Tree register

    United States

    United Kingdom






    Spring blossom records for this variety

    2011 season

    • April  2011  - tree owned by Ben in Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    2010 season

    • April  2010  - tree owned by Ben in Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Record your blossom dates in our Fruit Tree Register - more >>.

    Harvest records for this variety

    2012 season

    • October  2012  - tree owned by Jennifer in Horten, Norway

    2011 season

    • 2nd week October  2011  - tree owned by Ben in Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    2010 season

    • 2nd week October  2010  - tree owned by Ben in Edinburgh, United Kingdom


    • Species: Malus domestica - Apple
    • Parentage: Cox's Orange Pippin and Guldborg
    • Originates from: Denmark
    • Introduced: 1910
    • UK National Fruit Collection accession: 1968-017


    • Annual cycle: Deciduous


    • Picking period: mid-September
    • Wildlife: RHS Plants for Pollinators


    • Pollinating others: Average
    • Ploidy: Diploid
    • Bearing regularity: Regular


    • Summer average maximum temperatures: Cool ( 20-24C / 68-75F)
    • Summer average maximum temperatures: Warm (25-30C / 76-85F)

    Other qualities

    • Scab (Apple and Pear): Very resistant

    Where to buy trees

    The following tree nurseries offer Ingrid Marie apple trees for sale:

    • Keepers Nursery
      United Kingdom  More >>

    Where to buy fresh fruit

    The following orchards grow Ingrid Marie:

    United States


    Varieties you viewed