Yellow with an orange blush, very juicy, pleasantly aromatic, sweet, mildly subacid, a strong grower and regular bearer. A good keeper, its flavor heightens as it is kept in storage until March. Light skinned.
USDA identification images for Tumanga
The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.
Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Visitor reviews
Tree register
We don't have any registered trees for this variety yet. If you have a Tumanga tree you can register it here.
- Species: Malus domestica - Apple
- Parentage: Cox's Orange Pippin x Schoner von Nordhausen
- Originates from: Germany
- Introduced: 1930
- Country of origin: Germany
Where to buy fresh fruit
The following orchards grow Tumanga:
British Columbia
- Apple Luscious Organic Orchards, Salt Spring Island
- Salt Spring Apple Company, Salt Spring Island